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A/N: Another update💕 I was trying to find something to do, so I decided to do another chapter.

Any recommendations on books to read?


Rayne pov

Waking up I was beyond tired, especially since Sydney and I were up until 4. Making extra noises for nothing, debating if I wanted to get up. 

Glancing at the clock seeing that it was 7:15 and we needed to be at school by 8. Trying to figure out why it looked so dark in my room.

Remembering that I brought some darker curtains, because your girl hates the light. No matter what, unless I really need it. 

Pushing my hair out my face, realizing I didn't wrap my hair up. "Great, thanks for reminding me Syd." I said as she could hear me.

Pushing her shoulder trying to get her up, to get ready. "Get up, girl." Continuing to shake her. 

"mmm, mmoovvee let me sleep." Hitting my hand from her, turning the other way getting comfortable again.

 Not having time to deal with her.

I did the next big thing, getting my brother to wake her up. "Marcus, come here!" I yell from my room. 

"What do you want?!" Yelling back at me. Getting off the bed I open up the curtains, to let the sun shine through.

Swinging my door open, he comes in the room. Heading towards the bed to sit down. "I know you heard me fool." He said, with toothpaste in his mouth. 

Brushing his teeth, telling me that the shirt I picked out was ugly.

"I didn't call you to judge my style, wake Sydney up Marcus." Finding a different shirt to wear. Hearing a thud noise, turning around I see her on the floor.

"Why didn't I think of that?" I asked myself. Watching Sydney pick herself of the floor. Sitting on the bed, "Really? you couldn't wake me up normal?"

Probably planning Marcus funeral now, at least it's not me. "I tried to wake your stubborn behind up, you  didn't want to get up." Feeling kinda of bad, knowing he was going to do this.

"I'll buy you some food from Bojangles and some Chick-Fil-a on the way home." Already picking outfit both of our outfits.

I picked us both a pair of ripped light blue jeans. Giving her a white crop top with short sleeves. Knowing she'll wanna put a cover up over it. While I had a white long sleeve.

Letting her jump in the shower first. I brushed my hair trimming the ends. "Yes, thickums you look good." Watching her walk out the bathroom from my mirror.

"Well you know." Turning around giving me a full view of her. "Now go hop in the shower. Its 7:30."

Taking over mirror to do whatever. I head in the bathroom grabbing my speaker. Turning on my 6lack playlist, I hop in the shower.

Finally done getting ready, we head downstairs to leave. "WAIT" Rolling my eyes I turn to see my parents. "I don't get no type of love no hug or kiss?" My dad said. Wiping his fake tears.

"Really dad." I said. Watching my mom trying not to laugh. Putting her hand over her mouth.

"Tell mom to give you a hug. She's your wife." Turning his head from me and looking at her. Giving her a stink face, looking her up and down.

"Eww, I don't want a hug from her." Looking back at me crossing his arms. Realizing what he just said.

She pushed his head to the side. "Nobody wanna touch your ugly donkey ass anyways. Like I wanna catch a disease."

Giving her a hurt expression, trying to apologize. Taking that as my chance we head out the door.

Pulling up into the parking lot it was 8. Realizing we made it just in time. Grabbing my stuff, about to get out I see Sydney not moving.

"Thickums come on. We need to get to class." Shaking her head no, I close my door.

"You promised to buy me some Bojangles. So I'm not getting out this car until you do." Picking up her phone from the cup holder.

Remembering that I did forget. Debating if I really wanted to go get it now. That would mean that, I would have to drive 15 minutes. From the way we just came, to get this girl food.

She must've forgot that our parents don't play about school. That both of us would go down together. Coming to a decision, I back out of the parking lot. Heading towards food and our deaths.


Guess what our dumb behind did. Some how thickums talked me into skipping school today.

Yes, you've heard right. Please attend my funeral today. It would be held at my house 4:30. Send your prayers.

Knowing that we can't go home. Sydney called up Jason since he stayed home.
Skipping to Jason's apartment

Making it to his apartment. After finding out what floor he lives on. We debate on, whether to knock or go in.

"He's your boyfriend and lives alone. We should just walk in. You do it when you come to my house."

Watching her about to knock. Turn towards me after my rant. "Shut up, Rayne." Knocking on the door.

"You kn-" Being interrupted by the door opening. Seeing Jason with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair still wet, seeing the droplets running down his face.

"See if we would of went in. He could've got dress, but nnooo." Pushing Sydney shoulder, in a joking manner.

"Welp" shrugging her shoulder. Looking up at Jason, who's confused about what's going on.

"My slow slow friend." Tapping him on his shoulder, brushing by him to go in.

Not even making it in that far. I am stunned by who I'm seeing on the couch. My brother and Isabella cuddled up together.

Rubbing my eyes to see if I'm hallucinating. I head out and go back in to see if I'm crazy, nope.

"What in the world is going on here." I glare at Isabella while talking to my so called brother. "Why you making all that noise for? And I have a question for you."

He has a question for me. No, I have a thousand questions for him. Like, how did he meet her? Are they together? Is he crazy? Does he not know I'm crazy? All these questions going around my head.

But, I was not expecting his question to leave me speechless.

"Why didn't you tell me Dante was in a gang? That some house y'all was at got shot up?" Coming to stand in front of me.

All I could think was, this snitching b****.

A/N: Hey it's been a long time. With everything going on right now. I haven't been able to update a lot. But here's a chapter.

Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Don't forget to comment,vote, and share.

Have a wonderful day, until next time.

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