30 Minutes in Scene / Emo Heaven (10/10)

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Result 10 : Jordan

You sure as hell weren't expecting in the slightest to get some that night, nor where you wanting to. But somehow, you were convinced by your peers that nothing like that was going to happen in the dinky ass closet. But as the night progressed, your anxiety only deepened as certain sounds and bangs were heard directly from the exact closet that was supposed to be simply for kissing.

You stared, eyes wide as dinner plates and hands shaking in anticipation as the bag was now placed in front of you; signifying your turn.

But you most definitely did not plan on getting raped, so you spoke up.

"Hehe... I don't really think that I - "

"_____." Alex spoke in a warning voice and you flinched, remembering how scary she could be sometimes.

You resorting to whining and Alex rolled her eyes, digging through the bag herself and actually cheating by looking into it. She smirked deviously as she eyed something in the bag before holding it up in the air. A few hopeful boys immediately picked their heads up to gaze at the object that 'you' had snagged.

"______ picked a staple." she said, grinning.

You gaped for two reasons.

One, why the hell would someone put something as tiny as a staple in that giant bag and how the hell did Alex actually see it?

Two, Alex had picked for you when you were scared out of your mind.


"Oh, I think I remember who put that in here. Since he's not standing up." Alex muttered the last part before pointing at your very good friend, Jordan.

"Jordan, _____, into the closet." She demanded, striking an unnecessarily heroic pose as you and Jordan simply gaped at each other.

It was then that you realized; Of course Jordan would put a tiny staple into the bag in hopes of not ever being picked. You would have laughed at his logic had you not been in that particular situation.

"Y-you cheated!" you squeaked out the accusation and Jordan continued to stare at you, flustered.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she defended, gasping dramatically before her tone immediately became serious, "Now get in the closet."

"No!" you said, before grabbing her arm to pull her down to your level so you could whisper in her ear, "And I don't appreciate your ways of trying to hook me up with my friend."

Alex ignored you and snapped; yes, snapped, her fingers and two guys randomly appeared behind you and began to drag you into the closet.

Jordan followed, still looking flustered, and you gaped at him, why the hell was he coming willingly?

It was Alex's turn to whisper in your ear, "He likes you, ya know."

You frowned at her and she happily bounded off as Jordan entered the closet. The two guys that had been holding onto you suddenly let go, leaving you sprawled across the floor and before you could sit up the door was shut and locked tightly.

Letting out a rather loud sigh, you didn't bother picking yourself up as you heard the sound of clothes shifting in the darkness. You felt a presence next to you and lifted your head up the tiniest bit just so that you could see Jordan crouching down next to your body.

You sat up and pulled your knees up to your chest across from him, leaning your back against the wall. For literally about ten minutes, the two of you stared at each other when the other wasn't looking and awkwardly glanced to the side when you were caught.

30 Minutes in Emo/Scene HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now