Chapter 5

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"Hazel." I entered her room. "Here's your tea." Her eyes were already cursed by sleepiness. Her respiration was moving her body in slow motion. Her body was curved like a little adorable dolphin. Staring at her while she was sleeping was the most incredible thing. I was right there next to her, I was finally the man of the house. 

She was even sexier when she was sleeping.

I placed the tea on the little table next to her bed. Her iPhone screen flashed with missed calls and text messages. Who doesn't put a passcode on their precious phone? Hazel. I didn't mean to dig in but my eyes were nosy and I couldn't stop my curiosity.
What was the first thing on my mind? Her pictures? No.
I was more into her messages. She surely had a lot of friends. Especially girls.

Max? Max? Max? Where are you?

I scrolled down as I searched for his name. Nothing. That was really strange. Girls are complicated. Why didn't she have any messages of Max? Did she delete them? What if she didn't? Questions were running through my mind as I tried to bury my curiosity. She was single. She had the right to date, she had the right to text and kiss whoever. 

Except. I wasn't the one.

"Hawk?" Her weak voice faded behind me as I placed the phone on the table and carried the tea instead. I thought she was sleeping.

"I'm here." I turned towards her. "I brought your tea."

"" She broke down her words as she laid her head on my chest, slowly. "Don't go." Her last words heated my brain with dangerous fire. She was really asking me to stay. Her sickness was a good sign. She was acting really different and I loved it.

Holy! Please, God. Don't make her feel better.

"Do you want me to call a doctor?" I regretted my words right after. "I want you to feel better." I placed the tea right back on the small table.

"No." Her reply was a relief. "Stay by my side."

Was that all an act? Was she using me because of her sickness? Was she serious about her intentions? Were they true? What was she being so nice? I really wanted to believe Hazel but it was hard to swallow. Her behavior was too perfect to be true. I was enjoying the moment and I didn't want it to end.
I wrapped my left hand around her as I caressed her face slowly, with a few of my fingers.

"I want you to be strong." I flew my fingers through her hair, nervously. "Drink your tea, please," I begged. She obeyed me right away and finished the tea rapidly. "That was fast," I said, mockingly.

"Thank you." She wrapped her hands around my body as she rested her head on my chest once again. "Thank you for the tea." she chuckled as she sniffed my shirt covered with cologne. "You smell good." She complimented me.

She really wanted to get pregnant tonight. Hazel was using the right technique and It was impossible to control myself as a man.

"I think, It's time for me to leave." I commenced as I tried so hard to control myself. "I can't stay with you tonight." I sighed.

"Why?" Her face was so adorable. It was hard for me to even tell her the truth. Her body against mine was burning me up with sexual desire. I just couldn't.

Hazel. I just couldn't stay and cuddle without tasting the flavor of your skin. It was hard. Your warm skin was stealing my attraction away and It was too late to gain it back. I was already picturing my hands taking off your clothes, savagely. Forgive me, Hazel but my lips were already kissing yours in my thoughts.

I wanted to taste you, Hazel. You were making it harder by holding my body so tight against yours. I loved it and I just didn't want to rip you apart while you were dying from a fever. I didn't want to drive you crazy in bed when I know you were still in love with another man.

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