Chapter 68

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10:29 P.M

Hazel Brown,

If it's going to get violent tonight, tell me you're going to be alright. I don't want to leave you behind my love but, it's an eye for an eye. It's a life for a life. The sun will burn your precious skin on the other side, the shadow of our love will haunt me forever. Hazel, you're my Fiancé and you'll always be the love of my life.

I want you to know that I didn't choose this life. I never meant for all of this to happen in one night. I wanted us to end on good notes. I wanted to keep fighting for your immature love but Destiny is messing me over and the only choice I have left is to save Jack Walter. He's my brother, my best friend and I love him. I don't want him to suffer or die because of our mother's mistakes. I want him to have a normal life. 

Forgive me, my dear. Forgive me, I beg of you. Please, don't hate me. Please understand that I have to make this decision. 

When I leave the human world, I'll no longer be the man that you fell in love with. Your memories will be erased, your love will be expired and you're going to marry a man and forget all about me soon... But on the other hand, I'll never be able to forget you. I'll never chase those hurtful memories away from my mind. I'll never have that opportunity to hold you in my arms and smell your favorite perfume. 

Hazel, you'll belong to somebody else.

Would I be mad and jealous, knowing that someone else is making love to you?

Hell yes, but at least, I'll know that you're happy and I didn't break your heart by leaving you, alone, in the dark.

I'll forever be alone but deep down, my love for you will never fade away.

I love you, Hazel Brown and you were the first girl that made me feel like this, despite your immature actions.


Jack Walter,

My brother, my best friend,

We had so many memories together. I remember the day that you ran over your girlfriend's dog and you blamed it all on me. Just to tell me right after that she broke up with you for not checking up on her. I remember back in Middle School, we used to chase white little birds in my father's garden. 

I got this one, Hawk. This one is mine.

And we used to fight and chase the same birds.

No, it's mine, Jack. Go away, go away.

Time flies.

We were just two immature, little kids, chasing birds and now, we're chasing our own demons.

Jack, you always had my back. You were there for me when I needed a best friend. How can I leave you behind, now? How can I forget that you're my blood and you just killed my demons for me? You found the last page. You did all these sacrifices for me. You risked your own life to save mine. You put your happiness before mine. You gave me hope.

I'll never thank you enough for everything you've done in my life.

I love you brother, and we'll find Lionland. You're not dying, Jack.

I'm going to save your life.


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