Chapter 51

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Where was the letter? That was the question.

Answers were out of reach.

Hazel melted the pain in her eyes. Cassidy was her new friend and her ashes were already floating under the ground in her head. Jack, on the other hand, was crushed. He was dying inside, he was hurt, he really loved that girl. He never talked about her with me. Maybe he had a good reason to hide it from me. He did tell me that he was seeing someone but that was all. Knowing Jack, he doesn't take anyone seriously. Sex was the only thing on his mind. Dating was the last.

Jack was a player. If you ask me.

Once upon a time, I was.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Jack." Hazel started and patted his back. "You should rest. When was the last time you had a good sleep?" Her question disturbed his inner peace. "You look tired."

"Yes, you do." I encouraged Hazel's words. "Jack, I need you to be strong. I know it's hard to lose someone you love. I'm here for you and we both know that I'm not going to leave your side no matter the consequences." I applied my brotherly love towards him. "I got you, Brother."

"Cassidy and I knew each other for about two months." He explained. "She got pregnant right away. I didn't really know her but she was a great lover and far from perfect. I loved her personality and she was the only person who understood me." He let out a long sigh. "She didn't deserve that. She deserved better." The guilt on his face reversed his true colors to a dark place.

It wasn't black and white.

His eyes were full of darkness.

"It's not your fault." I tried to delete his bad intentions from his selfish brain. "Stop blaming yourself. Look at me, Jack." He forced eye contact. "You can't protect everyone in the world. Life, itself, is unfair. I want you to know that."

"I'm next." His two words capitalized my affection and abused my pure love. "I'll be the one under the grave in a few days." His sadness grew from ice to heat. "I'll be dead soon."

"Don't say that, Jack." I tried to comfort him. "You're going to be just fine. We still need to find the letter." My words captured his full attention. "You admitted that you knew where it was. We need to find it and do something about the situation."

"I brought it with me." He revealed. "The prophecy is real, Hawk. I know you don't believe in it but you have to understand that I have to die in order for you to live. You're my half brother, from the same mother. It's dangerous for both of us to stay on this earth. It's a curse."

"Jack?" I replied. "I don't believe in our prophecy. Nothing bad is going to happen to you."

"Hawk," Jack stated. "I'm twenty-two years old. You're turning twenty-one in a few days. I can't risk it, it's too dangerous." His eyes glowed from a small distance. His Hulion side was out of flavor. "I can't control my powers anymore but you can."

How Jack? I can barely remember my nightmares. I had blood all over my shirt a few hours back, I had no idea how it got there. Now you're telling me that I can control my powers.

Please, tell me how. Are you out of your mind?

"What is he talking about?" Hazel injured her own thoughts. "Jack? Why are you saying all these negative things right now? Are you okay?" Her questions naturalized his deep emotions and contaminated his good intentions with bad vibes. "Are you going to die?"

"Hazel..." I interrupted, urgently. "Baby. I need to talk to Jack." I gestured, my eyes begged her lazy feet to start moving. "Alone..." My left brow drew her own path. "Please, babe."

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