Chapter 56

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LionlandDecember 12, 1958 (Based on past events)

"Kara?" Hazard, her father, yelled with anger. "Where's your sister, Evana?"

"She's long gone, father ..." Her voice trembled by the expression on her father's face.

"What do you mean?" Tears flew down upon his face. "Kara? She broke the rules. She deserves to be punished. What have you done?" He grabbed her by the hair as he dragged her body to the ground and pointed his sharp blade around her neck. "Any last words?"

"Father..." Kara begged, desperately for dear life. "I'm sorry... Please don't take my life away." Heavy tears burned her face with regrets and warm compassion. "I love you father... I love you so much. Please don't do this."

Hazard gave her a devil smile. "Too late." The pressure of the blade between his fingers cut her head completely off. Blood flew on his face as he melted with laughter. The rest of her body splashed the cold sand as her head spread on the other side, separately. "Evana is next. Move it!" He ordered his servants, rapidly. "I want her body. Dead or alive."

"She went north, Lord." One of his servants spread fresh news. "She went to the other side with Kara's son."

"Does she know how dangerous that kid could be around her unborn baby?" He let out a long sigh. "Her unborn creature." He rephrased his sentence with disgust.

"Lord." The servant continued. "What's on the other side? Is it that dangerous?" Hazard tapped his shoulder, repeatedly. "What would happen to your daughter and your grandchild?"

"Kara had a secret." Hazard replied with so much confidence. "Evana is having twins. Kara knew about it. She corrupted her pregnancy without her knowing." He faked a smile. "She was her accomplice. She broke the rules but I found out anyway. That's why I killed her. She agreed with her dangerous sin."

"What do we do now?" The servant asked, urgently.

"Siirrymme eteenpäin ja odotamme." Hazard replied in Finnish. 'We move on and wait.'


"Hawk?" Jack interrupted my little moment with Hazel. "What happened to the letter?" His question perpetuated my mind with heavy confusion. I really didn't know what he was talking about. I left the letter on the little table in the kitchen. 

"Jack!" I yelled, covering Hazel's naked parts. "Can't you see that we're busy here? What's wrong with you, man?" My brows disagreed with his selfish behavior. "What are you talking about?"

"Did you burn the letter?" He ignored my previous questions and jumped straight to the point. "Where is it?" The agony in his voice was obvious and cruel. "I can't find it anywhere."

"I left it on the little table in the kitchen," I spoke the truth. "I didn't touch it." I stood up, rapidly. "I swear, Jack. I didn't touch it."

"Hawk..." Jack grabbed my arm. "We're in danger." He whispered in my right ear as he tried to torture my mind with obvious clues. "You need to believe me." He said between his teeth, nervously. "We need to talk..."

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