Part 13

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 4, after sunrise

I felt my knees getting slightly wet and I initially assumed the raft had a leak. I looked down and saw the opened water bottle spilling under my legs.

I turned my body around and faced Meghan whose face gave it away. She left the cap off.

"Fuck!!" I yelled making her jump. None of us even got any besides Edmond! Fucking Edmond! I felt all my hope go out of the window.

I really started to get used to the conclusion that this water bottle was our way of survival. God knows when it will rain. Heck, could be never! Now that we didn't have it Darcy might die and we sure as hell would too shortly after.

I saw Darcy move a little and turned my full attention to her. Darcy's eyes didn't open but I saw her mouthing something. As if she was trying to say something. "T-tell Michael I-I," Darcy said shakily. She started to cough. She put her hand to her mouth and pulled away.


She just coughed up blood. More blood came from her small mouth and started to drip down the corner of her mouth.

I looked up at Meghan again who looked guilty and hurt. Her eyes started to water and I suddenly replaced my anger with sadness for her and Darcy. Spilling the water was an accident.

"Meghan," I said somewhat sternly. She met my eyes and a few tears escaped. I wanted to wipe them away and hug her but Darcy was my main priority right now. Realizing, I turned to her quickly.

"Darcy. Darcy wake up." I said holding her in my arms seeing as she fell back again in a lifeless body.

I couldn't help but feel like we only had a few minutes left with her. On a fucking raft, we couldn't save her.

I shut my eyes so I wouldn't cry in front of everyone. The stress of this is too much. I felt Meghan by my side.

"The water. I'm so sorry. If Darcy dies it's...i-it's my fault." She said her voice shaky and full of sadness.

Meghan pulled Darcy to her lap. "It's not your fault," I said reassuring her. I felt Michael appear next to me.

"Darcy! What happened to my girl!" He said in a voice that showed his fear. Michael sat in front of us and held Darcy's hand close to his heart.

I brought my hand to her head and softly stroked her brown hair. If she dies, I want her to die peacefully.

Meghan's tears were falling and Michaels were too. I was surprised to see this boy I once found annoying, crying over a girl he met only a few days prior. I would have never guessed I would be here.

I watched as Michael racked with sobs. "I can't lose her." Michael cried. "I was supposed to marry her someday." He cried even harder.

I pulled him to my lap and held him close. I put an arm around Meghan and held her too.

We were stuck on this raft. There really wasn't much we could do to save her, the only thing we really could do was just be there for her until her last moments.

Edmond soon came to us shortly after. He sat in front of us next to Michael.

"May I hold her?" Edmond asked reaching his arms out to her. Meghan slowly nodded unsure and handed her frail body to him.

Edmond silently held her in his lap. We all silently watched. No one moving, no one saying anything.

Michael DeAngelo's POV.
Day 4


My little Darcy wasn't allowed to die. I needed her.

We all needed her. I wished we were never on this stupid raft!

Holding her hand I looked at her closed eyes. I wanted so badly for her to open them and look at me.

She was so cool, she helped with the fish and I thought that was so cool. To see a girl not afraid to get her hands into a dead fish body. I wish I was cool. Her shoes were ugly but I still thought she was cool.

I was crying and couldn't even help it. She was close to my age and sometimes I felt like I needed to watch over her like a little sister. I've always wanted a little sister or brother but ever since momma and dad had me.

They don't want any more children.

I didn't feel embarrassed about crying like a silly girl but I still did. I cried over her.

I would like to be hurt if she could be okay. I would take her pain. This isn't the kind of pain that needs a band-aid though. And that really scared me.

Edmond Bailey's POV.
Day 4

This kid reminded me so much of Lily. I always knew Lily was somewhere off successful and with a family. Well, of course, I never knew for sure, but I always assumed she was happy. That was the only way I could cope with myself. I know she's still alive.

But after seeing Darcy on the plane and on the raft I always matched her face with Lily's. Even their personality was the same.

I miss Lily so much, and I lost her.

As a father, it's hard to picture that you never got to send your child to college. You never got to see her graduate high school, let alone college. I've always wanted grandchildren. To hold them and tell them stories about their mother in her youth. To joke about all the silly things she did.

But no.

I'll never get that. I lost it a long time ago and I won't lose it again. Darcy can't die.

Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 4

If we didn't get Darcy water soon. This was it.

This small girl. This girl who'd saved us with a book she read and thankfully remembered. This small genius who was supposed to go places and be on top of the world one day was instead laying here in some man's arms occasionally coughing up blood and slowly losing her heartbeat by each passing minute.

This wasn't supposed to be her ending. She was supposed to get home safely and go to school. End up going to an amazing college, get married and have children to tell stories too. She is happy.

I couldn't help but feel as if this was my fault. If I just would have stayed calm and put the shitty cap back on the bottle of water she would have been okay. But no. Instead, I had to freak out and run to Lucas like a pathetic loser who can't take care of herself and others. I shouldn't be allowed to have my nursing license.

If Darcy does die. It would be my fault.

My fault.

All my fault.

All my fucking fault.

I few tears slipped from my eyes and fell into my lap. Then a few more fell onto my lap. And then a few more. But I wasn't crying this much, was I...?

My legs started getting drops of water on them. I looked up at the sky. It was gray. Gray...

Looking up my face was getting wetter.

A fucking miracle.



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