Part 25

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Lucas McMillan's POV.
Day 19, afternoon

We started walking in the direction we came. But luck was short-lived because we were lost. And now there was a bloody and dirt-covered grown man wandering around an island with two little kids who won't stop complaining.

I was leading the way and Darcy and Michael were behind me sulking. "My legs are tired!!" Darcy whined.

"Well, you ran in here when I told you specifically not to—"

"I know the story, Lucas!!" Darcy yelled cutting me off.

It was silent for a little longer as we walked in the quiet. The only sounds were birds singing their songs and our feet crunching the leaves under our feet.

It was trees, trees, trees, and more trees. It was like a never-ending optical illusion.

"Michael stop!" Darcy yelled but I ignored her and continued my walking whilst looking straight ahead. "Lucas tell Michael to stop walking in my shadow."

"Darcy do you have a problem with me walking on your shadow?" Michael asked sounding like an annoying little shit.

"Yes, I do stupid! I want my shadow to have— Hey!!" I heard a shuffling sound behind me. And then another.

I quickly turned around I looked at Darcy and Michael who were pushing each other around.

Darcy grabbed Michael's arm and pulled on it. Then she punched him in the head.

Michael grabbed Darcy's arm and held it so she wouldn't hit him while he gently pushed her away.

They both got into a childish catfight and they were both yelling things I couldn't hear because they were fighting.

"Hey stop you two!" I warned. When they didn't stop I marched over there and pulled them apart.

"Try to get along, please! We need to find shelter before sunset." I reprimanded angrily.

"Fine," Darcy mumbled.

"Fine," Michael said rolling his eyes.

"Michael just don't step on my shadow anymore," Darcy said softly but with her seriousness showing.

"I won't."

A few moments of silence managed to go by before Darcy's shrill voice shrieking ruined the eerily peaceful quiet.

"Michael!!" Darcy screamed. I turned around and saw Michael jump on Darcy's shadow.

"Michael!" I warned as well.

I watched as Darcy ran up to Michael and full-on football tackled him to the ground. I wasn't some coach but this looked impressive. I'd put her on the team.

"Don't hurt my shadow you loon!!" She yelled. I ran over to her and pulled her off him for the second time.

"Enough!!" I yelled so loud they both stopped in their tracks.

"Darcy stop talking nonsense about 'hurting a shadow' and Michael stop being a jerk and doing something that annoys Darcy!"

They both looked down and nodded. "What is the matter with you two?? You got along fine on the raft. And I suggest you learn to get along because this is going to be one trip to hell for us as long as we are here. Am I understood?"

"Yes, we understand." They both said. "Now apologize," I said to both of them.

"I'm sorry Michael."

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