Part 46

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.

I don't remember much of what happened. But what I do remember is throwing that metal hammer and knocking Ana out. Feeling Darcy's tears on my hands as I try to protect what little innocence they have left. I remember the sound of the final gunshot and feeling my heart break for Edmond who fell to the ground clutching his chest as the dark red blood seeped from the wound. I remember feeling the chill wash over me as Ana fell to the ground sobbing. Darren passed out in the corner unconscious. Lucas standing there staring at Edmond with shock.

The ringing in my ears slowly fades as a primal instinct to keep going. To keep moving and to never give up. That there is still a chance to save us from this mess. Why my mind kept telling me I made it this far I can do anything. I sit the kids down and slowly stand up. My knees shaking-my throat crisp and dry. I feel the tears in my eyes spill down my cheeks as I walk slowly then begin to run towards Edmond.

No one says anything. For there is nothing to say but the unspeakable. I look at Lucas whose eyes are brimmed with tears as well. But I know he wouldn't let them fall. I just want him to know it's ok for them to fall. He meets my eyes as the world slows down. And I inhale with my jaw clenched.

I'm ready to fight for freedom.

My eyes locked with Lucas to tell him to get the kids in the car. My heart pounding he walks over to them and starts to place them in the back of the car.


Third person POV.

Meghan assesses Edmonds gunshot wound quickly who has currently slipped into an unconscious state from extreme loss of blood. Time moves slow as she repeats the process she has grown so familiar with these past few months. She rips his shirt to hold against the pulsing hole right above his heart. But she knows. She knows he is not here. As a few tears fall onto Edmonds already stained shirt her shaking hand reaches up to his pulse. Placing her two fingers on his neck a loud sob leaves her lips as she waits for a beat. Nothing. As few seconds pass as her sobs get louder. Edmonds dead. He died trying to save us. Meghan thinks. She feels a hand on her back and Meghan's head whips around to see Lucas. She didn't know how much time passed but she sees the Jeep pulled out with Darren in the back and a cloth around his leg. Sitting still unconscious between Darcy and Michael who are staring into space.

All they can do is leave. They can drive for help. They don't know where but it's time. It's time to get out.

Meghan decides to leave Edmond there after saying a prayer. Her eyes still blurry with tears from stress, Lucas leads her to a seat in the car. Feeling her body ache with exhaustion and sadness she lets her self close her eyes. Hoping she never wakes up again.

Lucas starts the car barely remembering how one works over all this time and feels himself welcome the anger that burned inside him for months. He gives one last look to Ana and Edmond. He knows he will get police out here for Edmond and Ana as soon as they can but for now. They need to save themselves, the ones still alive, first. He needs this to be over. Everyone needs this to be over. But that will only happen if he lets go. "Drive." Meghan whispers. And without a second thought. I step on the gas and the Jeep pummels out in the forest going in an unknown direction at full speed. Mud and leaves shoot out in all directions as the Jeep zooms by at a monstrous pace. And all at once leaving behind everyone's fears and regrets. Time lost but time gained for an ever traumatizing experience they would never forget.


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