Part 48 • Epilogue 2

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.

1 year later...


I stood there with a wide smile of happiness on my face. And then the priest said the words I was waiting to hear.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said.

And with that I watch Taylor kiss her new husband, feeling happiness for my best friend who held her own wedding off for me. Well she didn't hold it off because she thought I was dead... in fact my best friend canceled it to grieve but when I came back. It was the best reunion of my life. I spent 7 months in the hospital recovering from major internal injuries that I didn't even know I had. Then I spent another 3 months in and out of the doctors.

With my light blue bridesmaid dress flowing by my feet I began clapping along with the others as Taylor and Scott pulled away and smiled at one another.

They held hands and walked down the aisle together. That's when I saw him.


There he was, staring at me in one of the back seats. I haven't seen him in months. He said he needed to go visit his dad for awhile which was understandable. But right before he left he asked me to be his girlfriend and I called and officially ended things with Nico after I got him to admit to cheating and after cursing him out for a good minute I hung up first.

I started tapping my foot anxiously I wanted to just run into his arms and feel him after all these stressful months I went through with all the doctors and therapists and not having him by my side. Especially at night when haunting nightmares plagued my mind. I'd wake up screaming and coated in sweat feeling myself reliving the plane crash.

When Taylor and Scott walked out of sight to leave the church and head to the reception all the brides maids were allowed to walk off. I wanted to run but I tried my best not to.

When I reached him I grabbed his hand feeling the familiar tingles I get every time, and pulled him to the side far away from the crowd of everyone trying to exit at the same time.

When we made it to a corner I wasted no time wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into me for one of his strong hugs I loved so much. The feeling of his arms wrapped around my waist made me want to sing in joy. I missed him so much.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his chest.

"I think I did more." Lucas replied with his face in the crook of my neck. He planted a soft kiss there before slightly pulling his head away to place a passionate yet fierce kiss to my lips that had a baby pink lipstick applied to them that would soon be on his lips.

Kissing him was like fireworks. I always felt them when ever we touched. The indistinct pull we had for one another was strong and we both knew it.

He kissed me harder like he needed this. I needed this, we needed this.

"Meghan!" Darcy said running in with her flower girl dress on. She looked around for me for a second until her eyes landed on Lucas. "LUCAS YOUR BACK!" she screamed.

She sprinted to him as her dressed bounced with her. Even though she has gotten bigger since Lucas saw her last he still caught her effortlessly. They hugged tightly as Lucas spoke. "Missed you kiddo."

"I missed you too. Meghan and I talked about you every night before I go to bed." Darcy revealed. I moved out of Taylor's apartment and got legal adoption to Darcy since all her relatives passed. I didn't want her to be sent to an orphanage and I couldn't see my life without her. After a lot of legal work and court fighting they let me adopt her and we've been living in a small two bedroom apartment in a decent neighborhood for awhile now.

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