Part 19

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 11, morning

Luckily, Lucas's abdomen eventually stopped gushing blood. But it took a lot of clothing to stop it. And we all were very thankful that the shark didn't bite through him.

I still can't believe I would have risked my life for him so fast. I mean I would for anyone but the fact that he threw me aside before the shark could get me, well just amazes me completely.

I have been taking care of him for a while now. I check his pulse every now and then to make sure it's still beating. It always is but it still scared me none the less.

It sprinkled for a few minutes early today and we all got some water to drink which was lovely. Considering I felt my throat closing up from dehydration. I mentally give myself a sarcastic thumbs up.

I feel like I should be more disturbed from the past shark event, but with every issue, we have now, that just seems like an annoying bug that won't leave you alone.

I laid next to Lucas with my head resting on the side of the raft, one finger dipped into the water swirling it around. My other hand was on his stubbled jaw.

I sighed and shut my eyes but didn't fall asleep. The raft seemed like a rocking chair. Lightly coaxing me to sleep.


I woke up at the sound of a faint buzzing noise. I opened my eyes slightly. Sadly, welcoming the burn in my throat. I need water. Again.

Sitting up and slightly shifting my weight to my other hip I wasn't sleeping on, the buzzing still didn't go away. I looked up to the buzzing noise and my eyes caught of something up in the sky. It almost sounds like a speeding car.

Then my eyes widened.

It was a plane.

I immediately jumped to my feet and started screaming waving my hands around.

Everyone jumped in fright of my sudden hollering. "What's going on?" Someone said but I didn't know who. I was way too preoccupied with the plane.

"Plane!!" I screamed. Almost at once everyone stood on their feet.

As if an instinct everyone started screaming and waving our arms around.

Come on. We need to get out of here and this is our one-way-ticket to. If there is a god up there, you'd help god damn it. The stress of this situation has eaten me from the inside out. I've officially gone crazy.

And I was going to go even crazier than before. I'm sure the plane didn't see us. It was way too far. I could feel my breaking point coming closer and closer each second the plane got further.

I looked around at all of us helplessly trying to get this plane to notice us. What made this worse was the fact that even if they did see us there wasn't much they could do, an airplane can't just land in the ocean. They couldn't give us a sign or anything.

I felt my blood boil in my veins. This was it. I've officially broke and it was a matter of time before everyone else did. Yet, I was the first surprisingly...not!

I felt my anger get the best of me. I couldn't stop myself from screaming on the top of my lungs, "SON OF A BI—"

Day 11, mid-day

We laid, once again for the thousandths time in the past... Oh hell, I don't know how many days it has been! I don't know what time it is either. Thinking of this nonsense made me laugh menacingly. Everyone looked at me but I wasn't fazed. I frustratedly pulled at my hair.

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