Part 45

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Darren's POV.

Before I know it I'm running down the basement stairs with a gun. I see Meghan hanging almost lifelessly from the corner and Rusty who is strangling Lucas doesnt notice me. When he gets mad he tunes everyone out. I feel guilty just seeing them. This is my fault.

"Oh my god!" Meghan says when she sees me with the gun. I put my finger to my lips to silence her and immediately her mouth clamps shut, while she stared at me with wide eyes. Going up behind him I bring the gun behind me and hit Rusty on the back of the head with as much force as I can muster. His body limply falls to the side. And Lucas falls down clutching his throat and coughing.

I look down at Rusty who is moving slightly and kick him in the head. I'm going to regret this later...

I watch as he falls unconscious with blood seeping out of his nose and mouth.

I grimace then get back to my train of thought. How do I get them out of here?

I fell to my knees and patted down the mans pockets looking for some sort of key. Nothing.

I look up worriedly at Lucas. His breath has caught back to a steady rhythm but he is still clutching his throat and coughing. That's going to leave a mark. Lucas points to a corner of the room and I walk over there only to find nothing. "There's Meghan's pin over there. Maybe it can unlock this." Lucas coughs out.

I look around and spot a shiny fancy hairpin. This won't work. As I crouch down and work on the key hole the pin snaps in half. "Fuck." I curse. "Ok, I'm going to look for a key. Don't worry I'll get you guys out of here." I promise before jumping to my feet and running up the dusty wood stairs that seem to creak with each step.

The house is eerily quiet and I feel chills run down my spine. Before heading up stairs I go through the living room and into the garage. I make eye contact with Edmond and give him the signal.

Don't worry Darren. Everything is going to plan.

I quickly run up the stairs and into Rusty's main office that smells of shit and cigarettes. He only comes twice a year so dust is an understatement.

As I push open the door with sweat now slowly trickling down my forehead, the first thing I see is Ana sitting on the floor in a curled up ball. Sobbing.

"Ana? Ana, what's wrong?" I ask going down to her side.

"I can't go on Darren I-I can't!" She sobs. I make a move to comfort her but hesitate remembering what she just did. What I just did.

"The police will be here soon! I called them. I need to get out please let's get out of here together!" She pleads. Her skinny arm lifts up to cup my cheek.

"Please brother." She says brokenly.

"I can't. You've committed way more crimes than I'd like to believe. You've hurt me, you've thrown me under the bus for your problems. I don't need to be here because of you. When all you do is hurt the people around me. I love you but- I need to go." I say. And with that I grab the key and run back down the stairs.

I unlock the shackles with the key and untie Meghan's and Lucas's arms. We run up the stairs and into the garage where Edmond and those children should be.

The plan was to get them all in the Jeep and get the hell out of here before the police arrive. I knew Ana would call the police in fear of me leaving her. But if I leave, the police can't arrest me. Then I'll drop everyone off at the hospital and will then never have to look back again.

That was the plan.

I kicked the garage door open and it flys back and hits the drywall. The dust falls freely as I run outside.

The first thing I see is the kids in the back of the Jeep holding hands looking wide eyed. They look scared. Where's Edmond? The garage is wide open and the beams of sunlight cast their ways in on this late afternoon. I gave Edmond the signal. He should have pulled the Jeep out...

"Edmond??" I call out. And Meghan and Lucas's heads snap towards me. Meghan goes to open her mouth but is cut off by a gunshot.

That's when I feel the pain.

I look down and see my leg oozing blood. Just at the sight I get dizzy. I clutch my leg that's radiating pain. All the screams are drowned out by the pain.

"Darren!" Meghan hollers but the only thing I'm focused on is Ana walking into the garage with a gun in her fragile hands.

Her gunfire goes off crazily. She doesn't know what she's fucking doing!! Lucas whose standing behind me and closest to the kids in the Jeep runs to cover them and Meghan stands stock still.

We all watch in horror as Ana aims the gun at Meghan. And before anyone can stop her, Darcy runs out from under the safety of Lucas's human shield. She runs in front of Meghan.

"Everyone freeze!! Don't move! OR I WILL SHOOT!!" Ana screams as tears freely fall down her rosy cheeks.

"Ana don't do this." I plead limping in her direction. With shaky hands she aims it at me and I stop moving. "D-Darren your my brother but I swear to god I won't hesitate. Don't test me!" Ana says as she cries harder.

Then Edmond comes up behind her and grabs a firm hold on the gun. They struggle as more gun shots go off ringing in my ears. Lucas takes this as a chance to run up and help Edmond. My vision slowly gets blurrier and blurrier and I watch my increasing loss of blood. I give in and slump back against the wall. I watch with silent screams of agony as Ana sends off a final shoot before Lucas rips the gun from her arms and throws it. Meghan throws a hammer at Anas head sending her unconscious and tumbling to the ground. But no one knew how that final shoot could be aimed so perfectly to hit someone else.


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