Mentor - Mental

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I crossed my arms, slightly hiding my plethora of bracelets on my wrist as I did so. From the doors, I could hear laughter as around 20 young adults tumbled into the room.

"Seriously? Why did you open the door that slow?" A brown haired boy asked the grinning blonde.

"That's just his brain speed"  A black haired boy commented, grinning at his friend.

One punch later.

"Ow!" He said, rubbing his arm.

"Your fault I hit you. At least my brain speed is faster than your fighting speed." The other taunted back.

"That's why, boys, you have someone like me as your best rider. Cause I got the brain speed and the brawn" A badass looking girl said as she pushed in, past all the brawling boys. I doubted she was the best rider, but one of the best? Most likely. I would be scared upon seeing her walking towards me with a sword. More girls followed her. In total around 6 girls and 14 boys. They all stopped fighting as Alex walked towards them and embraced one of them in a bro hug. Similar greetings followed most of them.

"Okay so, unlike most other academies, we pair you with a dragon rider that graduated two years ago. We spend a lot of time with all your mentors and all of you together, so get used to them. These lot can be a bit of a pain to handle, but other than that they're okay." This earned him a few friendly punches. Glaring playfully around at them he continued. 

"Right. Get into lines behind your power." He called out the lines and we all scurried into position. I didn't know what to do but catching Alex's eye he nodded to the vampire line, where Lilya and two other boys stood. A few of the mentors watched this exchange with slight interest, probably thinking I was some imbecile who didn't know what power I had. The two others standing in my line were the boys that were with my group when we got our dragon eggs. They nodded to me, looking at me with curiosity. I still kept my bracelets hidden and tried as much as I could to blend into the shadows. 

"Alright, the mentors will now just walk along the lines to see if they would train any of you, they might ask you questions, they also might test-"

Alex was interrupted by the Badass girl.

"I might challenge you to a duel" She shrugged, smirking mischievously. "You just never know" She ran her eyes over us, her gaze catching on mine quickly. She tilted her head trying to figure me out. He eyes flickered down to my bracelets, and a frown creased her forehead. She looked at me again and a steely determination filled them, along with a sly smirk on her face which I was immediately wary of. 

"Okay. Let the choosing begin!" Alex announced with his arms spread wide open. Immediately the mentors rushed around the lines. A few were asking questions, most focused on the powers line. I grinned with the irony. The badass girl was talking to Alex who was answering her questions, a knowing grin on his face. A few students came over and asked questions but I always replied with a short answer, never giving away much information if it was possible not to. About a quarter of the students had already been chosen. The Mentors were asking more questions now and as they came nearer I could see that they also had bracelets to show their skills and powers. I had hidden Alina away under a hood and only her darkened muzzle was showing. That was when an older boy came over asking me questions. Then he asked to see my dragon. 

Alina? Okay with you?

Yeah! Show them what we're made of.

Okay then.

I pulled down my hood slowly. All the time keeping eye contact with the boy. Then I looked to Alina, whose golden spikes were glittering in the light. I stroked her as she wound around my neck, to where she was looking around at the people near her. The boy looked beyond shocked at my dragon.


I shrugged still stroking Alina. I made eye contact with Alex and rolled my eyes as he silently laughed at me. He raised an eyebrow, seriously asking why I hated it so much. I looked around me exaggeratedly. By now, almost everyone had seen my dragon and were watching her. She loved the attention and was now preening herself on my shoulder. Alex still laughed at me. Then, I heard a whooshing sound, turning around I saw a dagger coming directly towards me, thrown with great speed and accuracy. Grabbing Alina I twisted, the dagger passing right in front of my face. Without even looking I knew who had thrown that dagger. And I was right. The badass girl stood, looking at me, arms crossed. I drew my sword as I turned, Alina taking the message and flying to Zara's shoulder who stood at the side with her new mentor. I looked at the badass girl and smirked at her, all the time glaring at her with a challenging look.

"You said sword fights, but I didn't realise you would actually throw a dagger at me." I inquired, lifting an eyebrow. She drew her sword.

"Eh. I'm not particular about the details." She threatened back, eyes narrowing as she approached me.

"I can tell," I smirked at her, riling her up further. She glared at me, eyes darkening. She was wearing a black bracelet as well as the red one, showing that she was a vampire. As I didn't know any elemental skills this would be an evenly matched duel powers wise. Other than that she had been trained for years here. The other mentors were smirking at me from around the walls where they had cleared a circular space, they obviously thought I would lose. Some were looking at me with concern because I did just make a very dangerous person angry. What they didn't realise was that I was a very dangerous person too. And this would be a duel they will remember.

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