Lesson Time.

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"Right everyone!" Alex shouted to all of us " You all know your schedules, go to your lessons!" And with that, he walked right out the door leaving all of us inside looking at each other confusedly. I especially seemed to gain looks of curiosity and terror and some were even angry. I walked over to my friends who were all looking at their timetables. I looked at my timetable, it was 3:30. We had till five for educational lessons, and from then on we had one hour of doing what we want, but they did offer the optional activities, today we had the sword duels. Looking up at all my friends we sighed, not looking forward to our next few hours.

---------------------------------------------------- AT 5 O'CLOCK---------------------------------------------------------

"Finally!" Ava exclaimed as she threw her books onto the floor of our living room. We had all walked back from our lessons and were now collapsed on the floor.

"Urghhhhhh" Zara groaned. "That last professor went on for ages about how girls should not be having dragons. So sexist." She was angry but still too tired to anything drastic just yet, but I know Zara, she won't let him carry on insulting the human race.

"Okay... so. Tonight the sword duels are on, and I heard that they are pretty cool. And, there are some undefeated boys that I heard were pretty cool, and hot. " Kiera said, looking really excited to see the sword duels. From what I had worked out, she was all about weapons and duels, and cool shit like that.

"Ooooh. Yeah, we should definitely go." Autumn said, but I'm pretty sure that she was excited for a completely different reason, and that was most likely to see hot, sweaty, half-naked boys. "Think of all the six packs!" She continued, with a longing look in her eye as she thought of the boys. I rolled my eyes but turned to the group anyway.

"Okay, let's go then. But first, let's get changed." I said, and we all continued our way upstairs. Clothes here, I had recently found out, were very different from clothes in the village that I was used to wearing. They had jeans here, and tight tops and jackets that were leather. I loved the new style, so when I went upstairs I got on a tight long sleeve black top that twisted into a knot in the middle at the bottom, paired with high waisted black jeans and black boots. I threw on a black leather jacket as well, just in case people weren't feeling the death vibe just yet. I put my hair into a loose dark brown fishtail over my shoulder. Looking in the mirror, I found that I looked pretty cool and extremely badass. But of course who could forget the weapons? I strapped a belt to my waist that I could attach two daggers onto. There wasn't really a way I could bring my bow or bigger weapons very inconspicuously, as this was meant to be a relaxing event in the evenings. After I was ready I went downstairs to find all the girls waiting for me, also all wearing black. We all looked very hot and extremely badass.

"Niceee girls" I commented to them as we got ready to go out the door.

"Let's go get us some hot men!" Charlie shouted as we walked outside. I grumbled a bit at this.

"I hear you grumbling now Elia, but we all know that by the end of this,

You will be drooling over the hot boys just as much as us." Zara commented as she winked and dragged me out the door.

We arrived at the Arena that was full of lights, it was 7:00 now, but they served dinner outside where we could watch the Arena from little tables while we ate. So it was just getting dark, and lanterns were lit and hanging around at various places. About 20 different round tables were on a wooden platform that ran all the way around the arena, raised slightly above the arena level so we could watch the fight easily. The tables were spread out on the wooden platform. The area was pretty big and circular. It had no top, but stone walls reached to where the wooden platform was, and from there built a small wall that we could lean over and watch the fights. The arena had sand covering the ground and large stone doors on the right. From what I had been told, there were many arena's like this around the academy, but this was the largest.

We took our seats at one of the small wooden tables. The place was buzzing with life already, multiple tables full of girls and boys that watched us curiously, but soon went back to whatever they were doing. Some of the people, however, stared at us, watching us continuously. Looking across the arena I saw that one of the tables had the mentors on it, but running an eye over them, I saw that a few were missing, my new crazy mentor included. There was a table that everybody seemed to be avoiding. Three boys sat there, laughing, joking and just looking around. One was Callum, the night dragon rider, who obviously had black hair and dark blue eyes. The two others I didn't know. One had blond hair and tanned skin with bright ice blue eyes. He seemed more serious but deadly, but right now, he was just laughing with the other boys, but still had his hand on his sword. The other had green eyes with dark brown longish hair, and looked the most playful out of them. He was lounging back in his chair, laughing. On a table on the opposite side sat my brother and his friends. On one of the table sat a group of girls with fake hair, lips and everything else in their bodies, and the clothes they were wearing left almost nothing to the imagination. I rolled my eyes. This may be an academy but the cliques were undeniable.

We went to the bar and got drinks and some fries to share and then went back to sit at our table. All of us eight girls sat there. Suddenly a booming voice announced "Welcome! To the afternoon games of the Academy. A special welcome to the new girls and boys who have joined us. Any up for a fight? If so, just get yourself down here and arrange it with someone at the door. I present to you; The sword duels!

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