That's how you do it.

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I fell through the air. Wind whistles through my hair as my cloak flew out behind me. I was flying! My plan worked perfectly and now all they will think about is me. I sound very narcissistic saying it like that, but what I really meant was that they are going to be on guard for me. Now I just have to make it through to the meetings and be alive after this drop.

My back hit something hard and I stopped suddenly, all the breath gone from my body. I reached out and felt the familiar warmth of Alina's scales. Heaving myself upright, I managed to sit. Then, leaving the shouts of the castle behind us, we rode towards the cave, just taking in the wild night. It was around 11 now, and as we reached the cave, a prickling feeling ran up my back, and I walked towards the cave entrance, looking out over the village and to the lights of the castle in the distance. 

As we watched the night, me leaning against Alina's warm scales, a lonely howl filled the air that gave me goosebumps. I felt myself fill with apprehension as a powerful howl filled the air, reaching out over the mountains, letting the whole world know that they were here, shaking my very bones. My body started trembling and shaking. Then waves of pain hit me as no others have before. My body contorted. Alina growled worriedly, protecting my body as she curled around it. She raised her head to the mountains and roared. It was an answer to the howl, a roar filled with anger and fury over him hurting me and filled with pain for what I was feeling. I screamed, but just before I gave in to the pain and darkness, one thought filled my head. That was the howl of Blake Setria. And it was a promise. A promise to find me, and who knows what he would do if he did.

I woke lying weakly on the floor, it was nearly dawn. I had paws and a tail. I was a shifter? More specifically, a werewolf. A Shifter is just a fancy name for a werewolf. I suspected it really, because of how messed up I am. Blakes howl must have just awoken my senses.

Do I have a wolf spirit thingy, Alina?

No, just my amazing voice filling your head.


One animal bonded to your soul was enough apparently.

Thank god, I don't think I could have dealt with another one of you. Anyway, thank you for last night and I am going to go and look at my reflection.

Alina snorted and looked away. I laughed, then focused on being a human again, and to my surprise, I found myself back as a human. I gathered my shredded clothes on the floor and hurried to the lake. By the time I got there, it was dawn. I changed into my wolf and looked in the lake.

My reflection was a very dark grey wolf. I was tall but looked slim. I am probably good at running, judging from my legs and form. My eyes shone a dark blue, contrasted against my fur. I ran around the forest for a bit, getting used to my new form. Luckily fighting came naturally for me like this, but I think only because I could do it in human form and my reflexes improved. I started to head back to the cave because of course - I still had a meeting to crash.

Once I got back to the cave, I put on my cloak, hid my weapons, swallowed my potions and was ready to go. Alina was going to wait outside again, in case things went wrong. But first, she was going to take me to the window I had to jump through to literally land on top of their meeting - or in this case, their meeting table. I stood up on Alinas back and jumped over the roof window. I crashed through the glass, right into the middle of the room where I landed on the table in a crouch, my hood still covering my head. They had the doors covered. They had all entrances protected and they still didn't think I wouldn't come in through the roof. 

I looked around the room. There were some scared face, some amused, some thrilled, some apprehensive, some alert, some impressed and some confident. In one room, here was the King and Queen and first son/daughter of every- hang on. I noticed two people missing immediately. Where were Blake, Callum and Raet? The Heir to the Throne for the Werewolf, Rider and Vampire kingdom. I tensed immediately but it was too late. I felt a hand around my neck and I was pulled against the wall. I rolled my eyes - I wasn't trained to just sit there and get captured. I looked up, into the dark eyes of Raet. I kicked out, and my foot connected with his stomach. He faltered slightly, not the reaction I was hoping for, but it gave me the chance to get out. I vaulted over the table, facing both Raet and Blake who were focused on me, ready to strike.

"God, and here all I wanted to do was talk?" I scoffed. I surveyed the room. All the Kings and Queens and Heirs except Callum, Raet and Blake were sitting down at the table, just watching the drama unfold. The table was at the end of the room, with a massive glass window covering the entire wall out to the garden. There was space from the table to where the door was. Stationed around the room I saw around 6 guards - but not the royal ones. They obviously didn't expect to need them. I rolled my eyes - let's take these Hiers down a notch. I still didn't know where Callum was, and that worried me.



Be careful, Callum and his dragon are out there - and probably looking for you.

Don't worry il be fi- 

Alina was cut off as I heard a roar. Shit.





Fight it.

I whispered in my mind, before focusing back on my opposition. Raet had a smug look on his face, but what they didn't realise is they made one crucial mistake. 

They messed with my dragon and for that, I don't know how they think they're going to be alive after this. I turned towards them with a deadly look on my face.

"You just made the last mistake you'll ever make."

The Dragon HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now