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How? How could my dragon drop me? It must be part of the test. As I fell, I felt darkness creep into my mind and overrun my senses. I was in a room. Dark shadows crept in the corners, a single table with a candle on it sat in the middle.  Behind the table, an old woman sat.

"My dear, you are here to see whether you are worthy of the academy, or in some cases, if the academy is worthy of you." I looked at her, surprised. Isn't this academy where everybody hopes to go? She saw my confusion and smiled gently at me. 

"Just let me absorb your energy, and I can give you all the answers you seek." She stood, and placed to hands to my forehead. She gasped gently, and then stood back.

"You can go far in life. Cut loose all your ties to this academy. It is a dark place. You will find the secrets stored behind it much darker than they seem. Trust only your dragon and your conscience" 

And with that, I was back on my dragon, flying towards the ground. We landed, in front of all the teachers of the academy. I was the last to land, and they all looked shocked, probably at the colour of my face. I felt like all the colour had drained, and I was sure I was now as pale as a ghost. I masked my emotions with a blank face and sat proud and tall on my dragon. I put a look of confidence on my face.

Alina. I have missed you. Did you see what was in my test?

Elia! Yes, I saw. Do you think we can trust those closest to us?

I think that... I think that they are the exact ones we can't trust.

I turned to the rest of the year, looking at the faces of the people who I had made friends with for the last six months. It was hard to think of any of them betraying us. We all turned to the headmaster.

"Those who are still here, you have passed all the tests needed. Welcome to the academy for the next four years of your life! " He said with a happy enough smile on his face, but I could see, the underlying threat that seemed to be completely directed to me, as if he could see what I was thinking. I smirked back at him, showing him that I knew, and I didn't care, minus the sinking feeling in my stomach.

When I was lying in bed that night I thought about all that had happened these past months. They were training us harder than we had ever been trained before, and I realised that by the end of these four years they would have about 12 new fully trained killing machines. Thinking about it, I had never known what happens to the riders once they leave. Yes, they turn up 2 years later and become mentors, but what then. It was just another mystery among the many littering this academy.


Yes, Alina?

I missed you.


I mean, I missed your idioticness.

Stupid dragon. Always ruining the bonding moments.

What bonding moments?

Point proved.

I want to tell you something.


You suck.

You swallow.

Now I see why the dragon gods paired us together.


Cause your just as dumb as I am.

That, and the fact that no one else can handle our immaturity. 

That too.


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