The Late Arrivers

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The agency. They arrived next. Just two of them and one son. They both had dark hair and sunglasses. These were the only people I didn't know the name of. The woman had dark hair and tanned skin. She took off her sunglasses and I could see her dark green eyes underneath. I didn't know if she had any powers, or what they would be if she did. The man had dark hair and dark brown eyes with tanned skin. Their son had dark hair and tanned skin, a sharp jawline and the darkest piercing eyes. They all had cruel, calculating looks on their faces and they had an aura that made you want to cower, especially with the muscles they had. These people were after me, the cold shiver of realisation ran down my back. They were all wearing black and only black. I could make out the hidden weapons on their body, but only barely. They went and stood next to the other Royals, not shaking their hands only nodding to them.

The last to enter was the Riders. They had one son. The King was a tall, muscled man with short light brown hair and intense dark blue eyes that somehow looked familiar. His wife had long black hair that was tied back in a slick ponytail, yet seemed to have the look that she has just got off a dragon, but still elegant. She looked like a true Dragon Rider Queen, especially with her wild silver eyes. She held herself Royally and demanded respect with just the posture and aura she had, same with her husband and son. Their son was...Callum?!. The wild night rider I met on the hill at my village? I don't know how many more surprise friends as Royalty I can take. First Jace and Damon, and now Callum. His dark blue eyes searched the hall, and his black hair was neatly styled. Once he made eye contact with Jace and Damon, they gave each other a curt nod. They obviously knew one another, definitely from before the academy. The Royal Riders were wearing all white. So, King Santiar Zantrax, Queen Tantiara Zantrax and Prince Callum Zantrax.

Once they had reached the others, shook hands, done all the stuff, they all stood, royally, then the guard standing at the door announced to them.

"You Majesties, may I present to you, the Royal Guards of each Family." He said but waited as all the Royalty put on their masks, to be unrecognisable. But luckily I have memorised all those faces and dresses and could match them in an instant.

Then the doors opened and in came 5 Guards for each Family, who lined up behind their respective families, against the walls. They were easily distinguishable, for the colours they wore. The Vampire's guards wore long red and black cloaks covering their faces and whole body. The Shapeshifter guards wore silver and blue leather. The Witches and Wizards wore dark blue and white robes with no hood. The Elemental guards wore dark green leather jackets over black trousers and t-shirts. The Agency's guards wore all black and sunglasses and were just like the ones I saw earlier these few months. The Rider guards wore white flowing cloaks, but I didn't recognise any. 

They might have all been wearing different things, but they were all just as deadly, just as threatening and just as terrifying. They had an aura of silent deadliness. They waited silently, their arms on their weapons. I noticed, that for each guard, only one was female and all the others, male. I had heard a rumour that the female was the one who fought the other female from another family/species if there was ever an argument and therefore was the best female fighter in the family/species.

I would go for that job if I wasn't being hunted by all the 6 families. Ironic really. Anyway, once the guards were in place, the ball was announced started by the Vampire King and all the royal families were mingling, I waited for 20 minutes until they were all sufficiently spread out so I wouldn't be caught, and then I climbed down, making sure they wouldn't see me I fastened my heels, put on my mask, hid my weapons and left my cloak behind, up where I was before. I was ready. 

Time to attack this Royal Ball.

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