Chapter 2

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The class was on the bus heading to Stark Tower. Peter had his headphones in as he listened to Panic! At The Disco. He sighed as he heard Flash sit next to him.

"So Penis, you ready for everyone to find out you're lying?" Peter rolls his eyes and turns his music up. Flash scoffs and goes back to his friends. Ned rubs his shoulder before going back to his own phone. Peter already can't wait for the day to end.
—time skip—
They were all stepping off the bus when Flash stuck out his leg and tripped Peter. He could've avoided it, but that would be suspicious. So he fell down and made a sound of annoyance when his nose started to bleed.

"Peter! Are you okay?" He looked up to see Jessie walking over to him with a tissue in his hand. He said he was fine as he took the tissue and held it to his nose. The class looked at them in shock as they continued their small conversation.

"So, hows your little AI coming along? Has it blown up yet?" Peter rolls his eyes at his friend before smiling.

"Karen? I finished last week." Jessie gave him a blank stare and Peter tried to look confused.

"You started last week." Peter couldn't help but laugh as his friend continues to look shocked. Jessie smiles back before patting him on the shoulder.

"I don't know why Ms.Emily doesn't like you. You're ahead of all of us. I guess she's just mad a high schooler is smarter than her." Peter just rolls his eyes and looks back to the class. His face reddens as he sees everyone watching them in confusion. Jessie just laughs before starting his explanation on the badges. Once he hands them all out, he warns them of Friday before walking through first.

                     "Brown, Jessie. Level 3, Intern. Welcome back Mr.Brown." The class stares in awe before they all make their way through. Peter goes last.

                       "Parker, Peter. Level 3, Intern. Welcome back Mr.Parker." The class looks at him in shock again. Jessie smirks at him before getting the classes attention. He starts the tour.

A/N: next chapter will be where it really starts. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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