Chapter 4

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Peter just stared at his feet as he stood in the lab with Tony Stark. It was quiet for a while until the older man cleared his throat.

"So your name's Peter?" Peter just nods shyly, still not looking at Tony.

"Friday said you interned here?" Peter nods again and Tony sighs.

"Come one kid. I just got told some big news and now I'm panicking, but I'm trying to calm down. So tell me about yourself." Peter looks up at him and apologizes. Tony just waved his hand, telling Peter to start talking.

"Um, I'm Peter. I'm 15. I like science and stuff I guess. I'm not really that interesting." Tony smiles at the kid and shakes his head.

"Do you do well in school? Get good grades?" Peter nods.

"Yeah. I'm at the top of my classes. Mostly because they're really easy." Tony gives him a look of confusion.

"Don't you go to a school for geniuses? How is it easy?" Peter just shrugs again and Tony looks at him in mock annoyance.

"Boss, the school is about to leave. They want to know if Mr.Parker will be going back with them?" Peter jumps slightly causing Tony to laugh.

"No, he'll be staying here. Are you okay with that Pete?" Peter just nods shyly as he fiddled with his fingers. Tony just smiles at him again before pulling him towards a printer.

"Let's look at the similarities, shall we?" Peter is very grateful that it only shows the shared DNA. It would be hard to explain the other thing. They look at it for a while before he gets a text from May asking if he'll be home soon. He shows Tony and he leads him to the garage.

"Let's get you home kid."
—time skip—
He gets out of the car after saying goodbye to Tony again. As soon as he enters the building, angry tears begin to form in his eyes. He holds the paper tightly in his hands as he makes his way to his apartment. Once he gets there, he unlocks the door and finds May in the kitchen.

"Hey Peter. How was the trip?" She doesn't turn around as she continues to stir the chili.

"Did you know?" She turns around and her eyes are full of confusion. It changes to concern as she sees the tears in Peters eyes. She asks what's wrong and Peter just shakes his head. He slams the sheet onto the table.

"Did. You. Know?" May looks at the paper and then sighs as she understands why Peter is mad.

"Your mom didn't want me to tell you Peter." Peter laughed bitterly as a tear fell down his face.

"So you did know. Great. Just great." He picks up the paper and heads to the door. May tried to grab his arm, but he pulled away.

"Peter I'm sorry. I would've told you, but I didn't know if you should know." Peter just rolls his eyes then finishes his walk to the door.

"I'm going out."
—time skip—
Peter was sitting in a coffee shop, his hands in his hair, when he hears someone sit in the booth across from him. He looks up and smiles as he sees Wade.

"Hey Pete. What's wrong?" Peter just sighs again before handing the paper to him. Wade looks at it for a moment before he looks at Peter sympathetically.

"So, Tony's your..." Peter nods at wades unfinished sentence. "I'm sorry baby boy. It must be hard to have this information just dumped on you like that." Peter nods his head again and let's out a stressed sigh. He hears Wade get up then feels him sit next to him. He pulls Peter into a hug and runs his fingers through his hair.

"How about Ben & Jerry's?"

A/N:it is almost one in the morning when I'm writing this. Fun. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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