Chapter 15

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Peter woke up slowly and with a groan. He tried to sit up, but he winced as his head began to throb and arms pushed him back down.

"Stay down Pete. We don't need you hurting yourself more than you already are." Peter grumbled and ran a hand over his face before his eyes widened. He wasn't wearing his mask and he was almost one hundred percent sure he had it on when he passed out. He looked to his right to see Tony looking at him with concern. The man let out a long sigh as he ran his hands over his face.

"Why didn't you tell me Pete? I could've made you a better suit. We could've given you better training." Peter shrugged his shoulders.

"Natasha knew." Tony let out a small chuckle and Peter continued. "That's why she was mad I hung up on her. I was stabbed and I didn't tell her. She found out from a YouTube video or something. But now you all know so I guess I'll be getting more calls like that." Peter closes his eyes as he hears Tony let out another sigh.

"I really hope you don't get more calls like that. I've gotten more grey hairs in the past 24 hours than my whole life." Peter laughed softly before there was a knock on the door. Bruce walked in and gave Peter a relieved smile. He checked over everything before asking if Peter wanted to see the team. He hesitantly said yes and the team walked in not even five minutes later. Peter got hugged by everyone before they began scolding him about not telling them. He just gave them all soft smiles and shook his head fondly. A few minutes pass when they hear someone clear their throat by the door. They all turn to look.

"Heeeyy Jessie. How are you?" Peter asked with a nervous chuckle. Jessie just looks at him with a blank look until he sighs and walks over to Peter, pulling him into a hug.

"You're an idiot Peter." Peter rolled his eyes as he hugged his friend back. Jessie pulled away with a smirk and hit Peters shoulder softly.

"So Spider-Man, have you helped anymore cats out of trees lately?" Peter just shoved him and began to laugh again.

A/N: school is making me sad and stressed and I'm about to quit. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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