Chapter 9

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"Thank You Spider-Man," a mother said as Peter handed her a small child. He said you're welcome before quickly leaving the area. His whole body was hurting from burns, cuts and bruises. He made it to his apartment and quietly made his way to his bathroom. He took off his suit painfully before cleaning his wounds. He knew the burns were too bad to be healed by tomorrow. He didn't know how we would explain that to Tony or the other Avengers.

"Peter, dinners ready."
—time skip—
Peters long sleeved shirt was sticking to his sweat as he walked to the Avengers tower. It was very hot outside, but the sleeves covered the burns on his arms. He didn't have anything to hide the ones on his face or neck though. He just hopes no one will notice. He walks in, scans his pass, and Jessie walks up to him with a look of concern.

"What happened Peter? That looks really bad." He tried to look at the burns but Peter just pushed him off.

"I'm fine Jessie. It looks worse than it is. It'll be healed by tomorrow." Jessie gives him a doubtful look but doesn't bring it up again.
—time skip—
Peter went up to the penthouse, pulling on his shirt to make some air, and slowly made his way to the living room. As soon as he walked in, the team looked at him in confusion and concern.

"Hey Pete. Don't you think it's a little too hot for that shirt?" Clint asked after pausing the game they were playing.

"I'm fine. It's not that hot." That's when the team noticed his face.

"Jesus kid. What happened to you?" Tony walked up to the kid and grabbed his face. Peter let him but pushed him away after a few minutes.

"I'm fine. The burns will be gone by tomorrow."

"Why do you have burns in the first place?" It continued like this for a while. The team asking questions while Peter did his best to avoid them. Natasha eyed the boy suspiciously before walking out of the room and pulling out her phone. She watched a few videos before her suspicions were confirmed in her mind. She walked back out to the living room to see the team but no Peter. She asked where he was and they said he was in the bathroom. She waited outside the door until he opened it. Peter jumped slightly, not expecting her to be there.

"So, Spider-Man. What's that like?" Peters eyes widened as he stuttered out random words that he hoped would form a sentence. Natasha just smiled at him before grabbing his shoulder.

"Don't worry Pete. I won't tell anyone." Peter smiled at her and they made their way back to the living room.

A/N: I want to just sleep for the next 50 years. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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