Chapter 23

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This is about to be hella inaccurate so don't come after me.

Peter woke up a few hours later. No one else was in the room and there was a slight panic in the back of his mind, but he felt like there was something more important happening. He didn't know what. His stomach growled and he let out a sigh. He didn't want to eat just yet.

"Food." Peter jumped as he heard a deep, almost demonic, voice from somewhere near him. His eyes scanned the room quickly but he couldn't find anything.

"Who was that?"

"I need food." Peter startled again, this time falling off the bed. He hit the ground and Tony, Bruce, Stephen, and Wanda walked in a few minutes later.

"Peter, are you okay? What happened?" Tony asked as he helped the kid back on the bed. Peter didn't answer as he continued to look around the room.

"Peter, talk to us. What happened?" Peter met Tony's eyes and Tony noticed something off about his eyes.

"There was... there was a voice. I don't know where it came from or where it went. It was a deep voice and it was just there and it's in my head I think. Do we have any food? I'm starving." Peter walked out of the room and made his way to the kitchen while the others followed.

"Peter, what do you mean you heard a voice?" Again, Peter didn't answer as he began to basically shove food in his face.

"Peter, maybe you should slow down a little."

"No." Their eyes widened as Peters voice deepened while he spoke. Even Peter seemed surprised as he dropped the food he was holding.

"What's happening?"

A/N: I can't write my dudes. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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