Chapter 12

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                  It was now Saturday and Peter was very mad because Ms.Emily was making him work on the day that was supposed to be his day off. He didn't really work since everything he had to do was already completed, so he helped Jessie with some of his work. They were halfway through an equation when Peter excused himself to go to the bathroom. When he was done, he walked out to see Natasha waiting for him. He jumped slightly.

"Jesus! What is it with you and waiting for me outside the bathroom?" He tried to joke but Natasha looked at him with angry concern.

"Why did you hang up on me last night?" Peter just sighed softly and told her he would talk to her later because he had to work. She gave him one more look of anger before turning away and letting Peter get back to his lab. He walked in and slouched into his chair. Jessie watched and laughed at his friend.

"What? Boyfriend troubles?" Peter groaned and shook his head.

"No. Aunt troubles." Jessie just rolled his eyes at his overdramatic friend before Ms.Emily walked back into the room.

"Peter, if you're not going to do your work, why do you even intern here? There are so many people who deserve this spot more than you." Peter sighed and stood from his chair.

"Ms.Emily, I don't have any work to do since I finished it yesterday. And I'm here because you asked me to come because you had work for me but you didn't give it to me." Emily's face was red and she pushed Peter into his chair. She was about to speak before Friday spoke.

"Don't touch my kid protocol has been activated. Boss is on his way with the team." Peter groaned in annoyance while Jessie just chuckled beside him. Emily looked at the door in fear as the Avengers walked through. Tony stepped forward and looked around.

"Who touched my kid and why?" Peter smiled softly at being called his kid. He was about to tell Tony it was a misunderstanding but Jessie spoke before him.

"Ms.Emily did, sir," he said while pointing to the now very pale girl. The team glared at her and she shuffled back as if she was pushed. Tony asked her why and she just stuttered out exclamations of the Avengers names. Tony rolled his eyes and looked at Jessie.

"She called Peter in to work, even though it was his day off, because she had more work for him. When he got here she didn't have any work but he had to stay. He decided to help me since he finished his work yesterday and Emily got mad because Peter wasn't doing his work." Peter just looked at his friend in a look that said 'are you serious right now?' The team continued to glare at the girl before Tony cleared his throat.

"Alright, you're fired." Emily's eyes widened as she began to ask why. Tony gave her a blank look before speaking again.

"I mean, it seems pretty obvious. You're supposed to work with these interns. You're not supposed to act like you're better then them. Peter and Jessie are both smarter than you. You're just in charge because you're the oldest. But now you're fired so... Jessie! You're in charge." Jessie's eyes widened and he looked at Peter in shock. Peter just gave him and encouraging smile before turning back to the team. Emily quickly made her way out of the lab and out of the building. Tony let out an exaggerated sigh before turning to Peter.

"So, Natasha said something about you hanging up on her." Peter groaned again as Natasha dragged him out of the room, leaving a laughing Jessie behind.

A/N: School is stressing me out and I just might cry. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!

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