Chapter 4

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Through The Eyes of Adam

Adali’s voice was one of an angel’s. When she recited the Quran, I could not help but listen. 

Soon, though, my focus on her gentle voice was shattered. The doorbell rang.


“Get the door Adam, don’t be lazy.” I heard her call from the other room. Well, I was closest to the door. Maybe I was being a little lazy.

I sighed and stood, walking over to the door and opening it up. It was that man from a few weeks ago, the one who asked Adali for help. He was also the man that Mother could not stop talking about. He was the one Mother wanted Adali to marry. I couldn’t help but agree with her. Noor was bright and handsome, someone who Adali would be perfect with.

I greeted the man and he returned the greeting respectfully.

“Oh, Noor. That is your name, correct? Can I help you?” I smiled in a friendly manner.

“Yes… I actually wanted a word with you, personally.” Noor stepped back to allow me through. He then attacked the subject immediately.

“I want to apologize.” He began.

“For what?”

“For looking at your sister.” Noor dropped his head.

I stared at his hair which happened to look really quite cool. It was long but short enough to spike up a little at the front, making for a young and boyish haircut. But it was stylish!

"Which sister? Oh, Adlai? Oh, yes I saw." My voice sounded blatant and blank which obviously scared him. Noor's eyes widened.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, of course!" I laughed. "Thank you for apologizing..." I bowed and began to walk back inside.


How did he know my name?

"Hmm?" I turned around and eyed him curiously, wondering what he had to say now.

"Oh... I... Never mind me." He chuckled and uttered his goodbye.

I shrugged and walked in the house, immediately running up to Adali's room. When she answered my rushed knocking, I lost all will to speak and immediately ran away to inform mother.

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