Chapter 5

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My Blessed, Successful Life

"No mother, I do not want to marry."

"And why not?" She persisted, folding her arms.

Mother was a slender woman of thirty five with when seen, long, curly black hair that fell below her waist. She was quite beautiful in looks, her nose was small and slender and eyes wide yet narrow. When I was younger, I asked my mother why she was not mad about wearing a covering to "hide" her beauty. She is a wise woman, and replied: Allah created me, and when he did, he said that I was beautiful. He said I was a queen, his Amah, and with that, I am beautiful. I will cover to respect Allah, Alhamdulillah.

"Because I have a life outside of a man." I said proudly, raising my nose in the air. I had my pride, yes.

"Still, you must marry. It is important. You must have a family, you must." She whispered strictly.

"I do not want it. What is wrong with living in the world of mathematics?" I chuckled.

"Math will not give you children."

"Yes it will, it will place my name in the lights. It is the same or even better than having a boy to carry your name down the line."

"You are taking a chance."

"Even with marriage you are taking a chance."

Mother hesitated. She couldn't object with the fact, for exactly that happened to her. She took a chance with marriage and lost her husband so young. No, my father did not die. Something else happened to him. Something I do not want to explain right now. I do not miss him or love him, but I feel strongly to him. He disrespected my mother and her children: me, Adam and Fatima. We are all of his blood.

"I did not want to marry when I was your age either. My parents told me I had to, so I did. And I am happy I did it. I have my children and I will die happy. I have stood up against my fears of marriage and I learned my lessons." She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes.

"Mathematics and science will carry my name for eternity. It will teach me about life. Traveling, seeing the world outside of this city. I do not need a man to help me. I do not need kids to teach me lessons."

"Won't you be lonely my dear child?"

"I am never lonely. I have myself and Allah, Alhamdulillah."


"Allah gave me a blessed, beautiful mind. I cannot and will not let Allah down." I whispered.

 •        •        •

My phone suddenly rang and I took it out of my pocket. I forgot that recently, I gave Noor my phone number for we had gotten more friendly outside of class. It was him.

I held up a finger.

"Adali, I need you right now." Noor said, sounding horribly nervous.

"What has happened?"

"I just... Need you. Please. Just meet me at the park." He whispered.

My eyes widened at his nervousness and I told my mother what he had just said.

"I will be there!" And with that, I ran upstairs to ready myself and I was off to the park.

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