Chapter 9

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Happiness, Celebration, and Broken Freedom

“No, I never forgot this day. In fact I don’t even want to remember it right now, so I won’t tell you the whole thing. I will tell you the most important part.”

On December 22nd nineteen fifty-two my life changed. The wedding was that day; I was to be married to Noor.

The celebrations were cheerful, the decorations were lavish. All the people were happy except for myself. I felt I was losing something very important and indeed I was. Later, upon pondering this day, I realized I lost my freedom. I now belonged to Noor.

Throughout the wedding, Noor and I touched only once. I didn’t even look him in the eye.

I sat on the porch of my home that night and stared at the sky. It was around 2, the time where the stars shone the brightest and air was the freshest. I dressed comfortably, finally out of that dress and in my comfortable Niqab.

Noor came, of course. He could not leave me alone. For the past day he stuck by my side.

“Dali?” He called.

“Why are you up?” I hissed.

He was quiet for a moment before taking a seat beside me. “C’mon, be happy for once.” He whispered.

I did not speak. He sighed.

“Your fault.” I finally mumbled.

“Why do you rebel?!”

So many reasons, Noor you really don’t understand...

“Our story has just begun. Dali, I promise your life will be perfect with me, I promise you. I will give you what you please-- Just… Stop rebelling.”

“What’s your price?”


“Yes. What must I do in order to gain this so called perfect life?”

“There is no price!” He chuckled lightly. “It is what happens when you marry a person! I want to allow you to have a wonderful life.” A smile came across his face. I could see it from the corner of my eye.

“Oh, Noor. There is always a price I must pay.”

He sighed and closed his eyes. “I am sorry you feel this way about me. I really am. I hope you grow to appreciate this marriage. I know you are a fascinating person, one that has so much talent and potential. You are amazing. Beautiful in both appearance and in your heart.”

“Actually, I did grow to appreciate this marriage. He was supporting. Noor was perfect. Then things started to change. I’m going to stop my explaining here --”

“No. Please don’t Adali. I am really fascinated.” The blonde haired woman exclaimed.

“I don’t want to tell you what happened after this… It’s so hard to remember. I tried to forget.”

“You wanted to tell me the whole story… You said you never had done it before. To anyone.”

“You’re right. I do want to tell you -- it’s just very difficult.”

The little boy sitting next to Dali placed a hand on her shoulder. “Please?”

The woman sighed heavily. “Alright fine. Just give me a moment.”

End of Part I

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