Why do you have to be so complicated pt.1

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A few weeks later ( after Violated )

Tord has been quite and on the edge after the incident. Tom being curious decided to get him out of this mood.

"Oi commie why are you being so quiet," Tom asked
Tord looked down and kept working. Tom waited for response until he couldn't handle it "if you don't speak I swear to Jehovah I'll get you to say it" Tom yelled. His nails digging into his palm. The Norski seemed pissed "why should you care" he mumbled.

"Excuse me just because I don't like you don't mean I can't care about you" He growled. Tord rolled his eyes "you only care about you Thomas I don't even know why I saved you" now Tord hit Tom's limit. The brits Digital eyes turned red. A sense of anger or frustration. Red is a weird color sending mixed signals but Toms pose made it obvious "oh so you're the one who says that you're just a huge hypocrite I simply just asked you why you were being so quiet!" Tord gulped. Nothing felt all right.... (Same bud)

His throat felt like it was closing. Making air hard to get in his lungs. His heartbeat violently beating as he was shaking. (Fun fact: I feel these things every day don't know why if you know please tell me)

The Norski looked straight into Tom's digital eyes "there's no reason Tom, leave now" he yelled standing up in the progress.

Tom rolled his eye. BAM! the door slammed causing a river of papers to flood down.

hey, guys sorry this chapter is so short and took so long!😓I've been very busy with school lately since its almost the end of the year 26 days in total and that means finals are coming. The reason this chapter took so long is that I had a state test for math and I have a project due on Tuesday. I know too much information but I really just needed to inform you guys! Thank you for all the support it makes me want to continue this story even if life is busy and horrible for me.

Sincerely, the Writer


Yes I know that its school hours but I have a free period

Future Enemies {TomTord/TordTom} (cringe x1,000,000)Where stories live. Discover now