Chapter 5

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As soon as we knock on the door , I hear Posie scream and her little feet running to open the door. When she sees us , she gives us a big smile . William quickly picks her up and kisses her on the cheek. She giggles and asks if we brought her gifts . I take her in my arms and kiss her face , her little nose , her lips ,her forehead .

" I missed you so much " I say to her . And when she says that she missed us too , I start kissing her again. Susan made breakfast so we all sit and have it together. Later we give them their gifts . Susan seems very happy with the bracelet I brought her , William says that he brought her that . It makes me happy to see her like that . Posie rips open all her gifts and plays with all of them.

I get a bit sad when William tells me that he has to do an important thing that came up so he rushes to the office. I go to my room and unpack our clothes . Posie has been insisting on making slime for so long that I finally agree. We sit on the dining table and start mixing everything . Posie makes her own and I make mine. I get so into it that I don't notice Posie. When I'm done with mine , I see Posie and my eyes widen.

The bowl that I gave her is nearly empty and the ingredients that were supposed to go in there are on her instead. " Posie " I say and act angry but instead of getting scared she giggles . I sigh and take her for a bath. I open the hot water tab and wait for it to fill less than half the tub . Suddenly Susan comes calling my name in the bathroom.

" There is someone at the door asking for you " she says .

" Can you pay attention on Posie ? I'll be back in a minute . The water is hot so be careful and start the cold water after a little while." I say and rush downstairs.

There's a package I ordered online , I sign and take it from the man . I smell something burning in the kitchen so I go and check when I spot the burnt milk. I get a little irritated at Susan for keeping the stove on. I turn it off and pour the milk in the sink. I start cleaning the pot when suddenly I hear a scream upstairs . I realise it's Posie screaming and my heart stops when she suddenly goes silent.

I hastily run in the bathroom and that's when I see her lying in the tub , the water blood red. I see Susan trying to remove her out but the water is so hot that it burns her. I try to take her out as well but as soon as I put my hand under the water , I wince and pull back. I somehow manage to drain all the water. All I see is blood , my hands shake when I take her in my arms . I pat her cheeks and tell her to open her eyes but she doesn't . She stays limp in my arms. I hear Susan calling and talking to someone but it all seems far away. I press my hand to her chest to feel a heartbeat but nothing , I press my hands to her neck , on her wrist , put my finger under her nose but I feel nothing.

That's when it all dawns on me . I press her tighter against me and start crying. " Please ,Wake up , please ... don't do this to me " I say and sob . I don't know how long I sit like that, holding her little body in mine. I sob when I see her skin all red and scratchy , her face red and burnt , her lips purple. I pray to god begging him to take me instead . It feels as if someone ripped my heart out , I was supposed to protect her , I should have saved her .

Suddenly she is snatched away from me , I start protesting but when I see William I stop. He pats her face , says her name , pumps her tiny chest but nothing. " Call the fucking ambulance " he screams . Susan puts her hand on his shoulder and tell him that they are on their way.

I go to him and put my arms around him, his shoulder shakes as he starts crying . The ambulance arrives and takes her. William pulls me into a hug and we both cry into each others arms. I pull away and go to the restroom . I puke everything out , I flush it , wash my mouth , close the lid and sit on it. I start crying again when suddenly the memory of her lying in the tub flashes in my mind, I puke again.

We later get to know that her death was caused by an injury to her head . Her body had burns from the hot water and the side of her head was flat. My little girl had got into the water and when she realised that it was too hot she must have tried to get out of it and hit her head in the process. I was supposed to take away all her pain . I was supposed to save her.

I start crying again , I couldn't get it out of my head , her little body struggling to get out , her body burning . I heard her screams , I heard her screaming Mommy and daddy . It was all my fault , I shouldn't have left her alone with Susan . I felt a surge of anger when I thought about Susan . I had told her to pay attention on Posie , to be careful . Where was she when Posie was drowning , how could she leave her alone in there .


Susan shivered with fear , it was her fault that her granddaughter had died . She had received a call from Catherine when She was supposed to look after Posie . She was so excited to speak to Catherine that she forgot about Posie . While she was busy talking to Catherine , her grand daughter was burning in hot water. Her eyes watered , she was so afraid about William , if he found out what she had done , he would never forgive her , never talk to her or even look at her .

She couldn't imagine her life without her son . She looks at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes are red , face covered in wrinkles. She splashes some water on her face , dries it and then goes in the hall to talk to William. She watches him crying , his hands cover his face but his shoulder shakes . Amelia is nowhere around and she feels some relief at that . She goes near him and takes him in her arms. It feels as if he is a baby again . His face rests on her chest and he sobs , his body shakes so much that she tightens her hold. She realises that she is crying too .

After a few minutes , he pulls back and wipes his face. " How did this happen ? Why was no one around when this happened ? " He asks her.

She hesitates but tells him anyway. He doesn't say anything but she can feel his anger . She gulps when she sees his clenched fist as if he would punch anytime now. When she is done , he says nothing and strides out of the door. Her heart breaks , she realises what she did but surprisingly doesn't feel guilty.

" I had to do it " she says to herself and gets back in her room.

She knows her son very well , even when he was young he never dealt with anger properly. He was always an angry little boy but she still loved him anyway. He would come home from school with his knuckles red and bleeding , sometimes his eyes black , his cheeks swollen. She tried to explain it to him , tried to make him go to counseling but nothing . When he got married , it seemed that Amelia somehow knew how to control his temper. She had seen several times , whenever William would get mad , Amelia would simply put her hand in his and he would calm down.

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