chapter 14

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I wake up only to find myself tied to the bed . Pain shoots through my arm when I move them. I close my eyes for a second and think clearly. The last thing I remember is that I was hung to the ceiling. I try to pull my wrist from the rope but it's so tight that it doesn't even create a small gap. I try again and again but to no avail.

I expect him to come in the room anytime now but he doesn't show up at all. There's no clock , no windows so I cannot guess the time. I don't know how long I was unconscious or how long he hung me like that. The pain in my body says that it was more than a few hours maybe even a day or more.

It feels like hours but he still doesn't come. My wrists bleed and the urge to pee is so much that I can hardly control it. When it gets uncontrollable , I start screaming his name but I hear nothing.

I squeeze my eyes shut as pain shoots in my stomach. I try to breathe but the pain in my stomach is so much that I let out a scream unknowingly. I feel something glide down my thighs . I want to lift my gown and see what's happening but I can't. It doesn't stop , I feel it flowing and the metallic smell makes me gag. I shift at my side , only to see the bed covered in red liquid. My gown clings to my leg and slowly turns red as well. That's when it hits me.

I have been pregnant all this time

I want to touch my stomach , I want to feel the baby . I want to assure it that no matter what , he will be fine. That he can survive.

But I know it's a lie.

The blood doesn't stop until the whole bed is soaked in red. I want to stay awake , I want to take a bath , to clean myself but I can only shut my eyes and go to sleep.


When I wake up , someone is untying my wrists. I force myself to open my eyes and they immediately meet with a new maid.

" You made quite a mess here " she says

And when I look down , everything has been cleaned. There's no blood , there is nothing red . I look around confused.

" Did you clean me up?" I ask her

" J just came here when the master asked to untie you . You have peed yourself honey and you better clean yourself up when I untie you "

" No.. there was blood here ! I ..I was bleeding"

" I didn't see any blood okay? Now shutup !"

As soon as she unties me , my hands move to my stomach. Was I dreaming? Was it a hallucination?

I get up and stand in front of the mirror. I quickly close the bathroom door and lift my gown. I can clearly see a small bump.

My eyes tear up as I keep my hand on the bump . I stand there looking at myself and then clean myself up.


I find William in the living room. I go towards him and stand in front of him.

" I want to tell you something important!"

" Go on then"

" I'm pregnant "

He freezes. He glances at my stomach and then shakes his head.

" I don't believe you ! You are fucking lying"

" No ! I'm not lying! I don't care if you believe me or not. I want to leave ! I want to get out of here "

He laughs and shakes his head " really? So you can get out and kill this child too? I'm not letting you leave. You will have this fucking child and then you can do whatever the fuck you want. I will let you leave then"

" No.. this is my baby and I won't leave without it. If you don't let me leave , I will kill myself and I will kill the child as well"

" You are one selfish woman Amelia and I fucking know that you don't have it in you to kill yourself"

" Please.. please let me go William. There will be one day where you will kill me and my child as well and you will regret it. Just let me go until it's too late"

" Go back to your fucking room "

" No"

He shuts his eyes and pinches his nose

" Go to your fucking room "

" No"

He clenches his fist

" I'm asking you for the last time , and if you won't listen then it will not only be fucking bad for you but for the kid as well "

I don't move but suddenly I'm grabbed and dragged towards my room .

" Do you have a death wish girl?" the maid says

" Why did you do that?"

" You are pregnant , atleast think about the baby you stupid woman" she says and strides away.

Cry of menaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora