chapter 13

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My eyes won't stop watering. I'm sitting with Neel in his car. As soon as I told him that I needed his help , he came to pick me up without questions. I wipe my eyes for the fifteenth time and look outside the window. It's been so long since I was outside . I ask Neel if he can turn the ac off and when he does I open the windows and let the cold wind slap my face.

As we reach his house , he opens the door for me but before we can go inside he pulls me in his arms and tells me that everything will be fine. I nod and hug him tighter .

Neel was in rehab for about an year when I found him overdosed . William and I spent every penny we could to get him clean. It was difficult for all of us but I knew he would get better. When we get inside the house , I notice how clean it is. It's unusual for him to keep it clean but I ignore it. As if sensing my thoughts he says " I cleaned the house because you were coming " .

I keep my bag in the guest room when the bell rings. I peek out of the room to see who it is when suddenly my world crashes down. William stands in the doorway and as he enters Neel hugs him . I freeze . All I can think about is the betrayal from my blood , from my brother. He is my brother , he is supposed to protect me , to keep me safe. I had told him so many times on the phone to not call William.

They both turn around to look at me and Neel comes forward .

" Look I'm sorry ! William told me what's happening okay? I know you're not doing well but he can help you ! You will be safe with him ! I know after Posie nothing would be the same but he is the only one who can keep you sane "

" I told you not to call him ! "

" I know but.."

" How did he bribe you ?" Drugs ? Booze? "

He doesn't say anything and I feel sick.

" You were supposed to keep me safe , I thought..I thought you would.." I whisper.

I flinch when William comes near me and pulls me in a hug .

" It will be fine okay? I swear it'll be okay !" He says mockingly.

" Please ! Please Neel!! Don't let him take me "

" I know you going through a hard time but trust me I'm not the one who can help you okay? "

" don't understand! Just let me stay here with you ! I won't bother you ! I will never get in your way ! Please let me stay " I beg him.

He doesn't say anything but it only slices my heart in half. He glances at William and then William grabs my arm gently and starts taking me outside. When I try to get out of his grip, he tightens his hold and starts dragging me out. I turn towards Neel and scream and beg for help but he avoids my stares . As soon as we are out , he shuts the door to my face.


My hands shake as I sit in his car . I clasp them tightly together .

" I knew you would go to him . The minute he saw the pills in my hand he was ready to give you away . It didn't took much convincing. I thought it would be hard but wow it was bloody easy " he says

I don't say anything

" You are going back in the basement and I have a surprise for you "

The first thing I notice in the basement is the hook hung in the ceiling. He grabs my arm and hurls me around to face him. He ties both my wrist tightly with a rope and takes me to the hook.

" I'm sorry ! I won't ever run again ! Please I'm sorry "

The next thing I know I'm hanging from the hook. My hands immediately starts throbbing . My feet dangle above the ground and I desperately want them to touch the floor. I keep my legs straight so that my toes touch the floor but after a few seconds I loose balance . William stands in the corner looking at me . " Please William !" I say

But he says nothing

I don't how long it has been but my hands go numb. My eyes start drooping and I can still see Williams figure standing in the corner.

" You will rot in hell ! I will fucking kill you ! I'm fucking glad Posie died! I  am fucking happy she didn't get to see the real you , you morbid fuck"

He stands up and walk towards me , before I can register it my head smacks to the side .

" Coward " I whisper slowly and he hears it.

He doesn't do anything this time but just walks away leaving me hanging from the hook. I whimper as pain shoots through my arms. I wiggle , twist my wrists but the rope is so tight  that it hardly moves.

I start counting.




.when I'm on 3564 , my eyes close and my body goes limp.


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