chapter 12

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A week has passed since I saw William. He had hired a maid and she took care of me. I tried to talk to her , tried to explain that I wanted to get out of the house but she wouldn't listen . She looks at me like a psychopath , like I'm a crazy woman. My body is almost healed . There are scars and my face is a mess. Some glass had pierced into my face . It obviously left scars but I don't care anymore. I just want to get out . This is my only chance . I sit in the living room and watch as the maid cleans everything, in a few minutes she will head home and I will try to see the password she types . I saw two numbers yesterday 5 9 so now there's only 2 more and then I can get out of here. She turns her head to look at me and I quickly turn my gaze towards the tv.

She makes some porridge and slams it down in front of me . I glare at her and start eating . She watches me eat untill the bowl is empty. Her phone rings and she glances at me before picking it up. She goes in the kitchen and speaks to the other person. I know it's William and I know she is letting him know about me .

I tried to talk to her numerous times but got ignored . I thought she couldn't speak English but she just couldn't speak with me. I wonder what William told her about me . I tried to tell her what he did to me but her expression hadn't changed. Infact I felt as if she was disgusted by me. I gave up after a few days.

I wait for her to finish her job , I have been observing her for a week . I make sure to pay attention on her every move . I once tried to take her phone but she never keeps it out of her sight and with my injuries it was impossible to walk without making any sound. I tried to lock her in the bathroom , but somehow she was always alert and she scared me. I knew that if I had to fight her , she would take me down in a second and break all my bones. I keep watching her and when she glances at me I pretend to watch the television. She takes her time and eventually she heads for the door. I sit on the sofa where the code will be easily visible. In one week , I had changed my positions everyday to find the pin she types and today is the day where I will finally find out. I clench my fist and patiently wait and then finally I see it .

5 9 3 7

I smirk and look back at the television as she turns around to see what I'm doing. When she is out of the door , I hastily get up and start packing . I take one of Williams backpack and stuff some food , water-bottles, and clothes in it. I go in his room and start looking for money .I quickly pick up one of Posie's picture and then stand in front of the door. I tighten the scarf around my face and my finger hesitates while clicking on the pin. My finger hovers over 5 but then I think fuck it and type the code . It says accepted and when I turn the knob to open the door , it opens without hesitation. My eyes widen in surprise . I look back at the house and then step out. It's dark and cold but it still feels comforting. I don't know how long it has been since I was stuck in the house.

I smile and start walking , I don't know where I will go or where I'll sleep but I'm just happy to be out of the house. There's a small doubt in my mind , I shiver when I think about William . I push it on the back of my mind and continue walking until I see a pcu. I quickly dial a number and my eyes tears up when I hear a " hello ".

" It's me ! Amelia" I say and wait for him to say something. It's quiet on his side and I only hear him breathing.

" Amelia? " He says and I instantly start crying. I feel happiness burst into my chest as I hear his voice.

" Hey ! Why are you crying? Is everything alright ?"

" Neel !" I sob " I..I need your help! I need you !"

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