Chapter 8

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I'm dressed up in a gown that William told me to wear. I am supposed to be on my best behaviour because David is coming to visit. If David finds out anything about this then William said that he will Hang me and whip me with the cane . It has been two days since he whipped me with it. I feel dizzy when I go to make dinner for them. He hasn't given me anything to eat . I hope that today I might get something to eat as David will be here. William won't try anything in front of his boss so it gives me a relief.

When I hear the doorbell rings , I quickly go and open the door. David steps forward and hugs me. I wince as he touches my back. When I woke up that day , I found whip marks all over my front and back side , some on my legs and thighs though none on my face. I remember that I was curled up in such a way that he would only be able to whip my back but when I went unconscious he must have moved me and whipped me on my front side. It made me shivered. My dress was torn and I was half naked lying there in my own blood.

I had cried all night that day.

" Are you alright Amelia?" David asks . I nod and that's when a hand comes around my waist . I try not to flinch and plaster a fake smile across my face.

We all sit in the living room , talk for a bit and then I set up the dining table. We all sit down to eat and I try not to stuff everything in my mouth. William watches me but I ignore him and continue eating as much as I can. As soon as I finish something , I serve myself more.

" Wow Amelia! You are hungry huh?" He says and laughs . I smile and nod . I try not to look at William. I know he is going to be pissed but I push him in the back of my mind and keep eating. I feel full when I'm done . 

I clean everything , wash the dishes. When I see William in the living room , I go to him and stand in front of him. He is so busy in his phone that he doesn't notice me.

" I want a divorce " I say. He stares at me for a few seconds and starts laughing .

" Do you really think I will divorce you and let you live your life peacefully while you destroyed mine? Are you seriously that stupid?"

" You can't keep me here without my consent William" I say and as soon as it out of my mouth , he slaps me hard .

" You will call me sir! You are starting to act so bravely , aren't you ? You are not getting out of this house and as long as you're living here ,you will play by my rules" he says

" You can't do this to me ! William ! I love you , please stop this ... I know you love me but you are hurting me "

" I used to love you ! You are just a dog in my house now ! A pet ! That's what you are and you will behave like it . If you don't ,I have my ways to bend you like I want "

" You can't do this to me ! You have to let me go ! You can't keep me here like this " I scream

" You don't understand do you? Fine ! " He says and drags me to my room. I scream and try to push against his force but that doesn't do anything except make him more angry. He pushes me inside making me stumble and then quickly closes the door behind him . I try to open it but he locks it .


When I wake up the next day , the house seems different. I go in the living room , kitchen and something looks out of place. That's when I notice the landline missing . I quickly go in the kitchen and the intercom there is missing as well.

I quietly go upstairs and peep into his room. I hear the shower running so I quickly go inside and start searching for his phone or laptop but I don't find it anywhere. He had already destroyed mine so there was no point in finding them. I go through his things to see if I can find anything but nothing.

When the shower stops , I quickly run downstairs and into the basement. I enter the bathroom and lock it , but the lock isn't there , I check the basement door and there too the lock has disappeared.

My eyes tear up , he is taking everything away from me. It feels as if my life is not mine anymore. I angrily rush to his room , he is still in the washroom. All I see is red and in that anger I destroy his room. I smash his laptop , his phone , break the tv and do everything to ruin his room. When I'm done , I wipe my face and look around the room clearly. I spot William near the bathroom . I wonder if he was standing there all along.

When he starts walking towards me ,I freeze. I want to run but my body doesn't co-operate. He slaps me so hard that I lose my balance. When I try to get up he steps on my hand , I scream as he applies more pressure.

" I told you , you have to behave like I tell you and if you don't listen then there will be consequences"

As he removes his legs , I calm down but then I see his leg coming down towards my left shoulder , I scream when I hear a crack and pain shoots through my shoulder and arms. I start crying when the pain doesn't lessen .

He picks me up like a rag doll by my left arm. It feels as if my hand would fall out anytime now. I cry but that doesn't affect him. He drops me on the bed and my sobs get louder. He takes both my arm and ties them on the headboard. He pushes my shoulder back and then I hear a crack again. My screams don't cry down even for a minute. He goes and takes something out from the drawer. My eyes get blurry and I struggle to stay conscious. He gets on top of me and tears my top with a cutter . I lie just in a bra , I whimper when he traces the cutter along my collarbone.

I scream as he writes something just above my right breast. The pain is so much that I welcome the darkness

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