chapter 11

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His eyes are red as he looks at me angrily. He goes in the kitchen and brings more glasses and plates. I watch as he starts breaking them one after another. I don't know why he is doing this. I don't want to find out either. When his hands are empty , he asks me to comes towards him. He grabs my arms and drags me where the last glass was broken. I look at him to see if he is serious. The glasses are all broken in a line . There is glass everywhere. I try to release myself from his grip but he is too strong.

" Walk " he says and I shake my head .

" Do you really want me to push you on this ? " He asks and I internally measure the cons of both cases.

I start walking and when I feel the glass Pierce my leg I scream . My legs threaten to give out but I know if I fall it will hurt even more . I take a step and scream again. I don't want to do this. I quickly move to my right side where there's no glass and sob when I see blood on the floor flowing through the cuts on my legs. I start moving back when William strides towards me. He drags me and takes me back to where I started.

" Please .. I'm sorry ! It hurts ..I can't walk on that ..please!!" I cry out.

He grabs my arm and throws me on the glass. I gasp and scream as I fall on my side on the glass. I put my palm down and try to get up but it ends up hurting me even more. My eyes gets blurry due to the tears and when I see my hands covered in blood I panic. I hastily stand up and that's when all the pain comes back. My side , my thighs , legs , and face screams in pain . I try to run and get out of the glass but I end up falling on the glass again. This time I don't feel any pain and everything fades into black.


When I wake up , I find myself covered in bandages. I touch the side of my face to find a bandage on it as well. I look around the room and realise that I'm on his bed. Tears spill out of my eyes as I recall what had happened. When the door opens I tilt my head to the side to hide my tears but he still sees them.

" Stop crying ! " He shouts and when I don't he grabs my arms and squeezes it roughly.

" Stop crying ! Don't make me do something that will actually make you cry! Seeing you sob makes me disgusted... If you ever cry in front of me again I'll make sure you won't ever stop crying again"

I nod but the tears won't stop. I can't stop crying and the more I try to stop myself the more it makes me cry. He grunts in annoyance and goes out of the room leaving me to cry . I sit up on the bed and touch my feet to the floor. I apply some pressure to one of my leg and wince when it hurts. Both my palms are covered in bandage and it would be impossible for me to walk without any support from my hands.

I sit there for a while contemplating whether I should suck it up and try to walk or just go to sleep. In a few minutes I do the latter . With some effort I put my feet back on the bed and lie down. I expect William to come anytime now and help me get to the washroom. I keep staring at the door , my bladder is ready to burst and if I don't get up I might soil myself. I wait for a few more minutes and when the door doesn't open , I sigh in annoyance and put my feet back on the floor. When I try to stand up , pain shoots through my leg and I fall on the bed.

When William sees my gown and bed soiled , he goes red in anger. He scrunches his nose due to the smell and clenches his fist. I wasn't able to get up and empty my bladder . He strides towards me and picks me up making me sit on the bed. I screech when he starts pulling up my gown.

" Your gown is fucking soaked ! Stop screaming" he yells and I quickly shutup. I cover myself with my hands while he starts removing the bedsheets. I sit there shivering as he removes all the bedding. When he is done , he roughly picks me up and takes me in the washroom , making me sit in the bathtub. I tighten my arms around myself when he comes and stands besides the bathtub. He throws a wet cloth at me .

"Wash yourself and call my name when you're done " he says and moves out.

I try to clean myself with the cloth as properly as I can , my bandaged hands make it difficult but I make sure not to make any complaints. When I am done I call his name and he quickly comes inside. He helps me up and wipes me with a clean towel and then puts a gown on me.

"Just let me go William ! I don't want your money , I don't want this house . You can keep everything , I won't take a penny from you " I say and he laughs.

His laugh used to bring a smile to my face but now it feels like needles.

"Do you really think I will just let you leave after you destroyed my life?"

" You are not the only one whose life is destroyed! Posie died and with her my husband too ! What will you get by doing this to me? You will eventually kill me and then what?"

" Shutup ! You are not getting out of here anytime soon ! Get that in your fucking head !" He screams

" You are a fucking psychopath" I whisper .

His eyes widen , he strides towards me and I quickly start shifting back on the bed . He squeezes my face in his hand roughly , I try to move backwards but end up falling back , he takes the chance and climbs on top of me . His fingers dig in the side of my bandaged face making me wince in pain. The crazy look on his face frightens me more than anything. I want this to stop.

" Please William ! Stop this ! Stop this before it's too late .. before you end up killing me !" I sob.

"You are fucking lucky that you're hurt right now... You better shut this little mouth of yours " he says and gets off me.

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