Usui x Quiet&Badass!Reader ~Kaicho wa maid sama~

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Just another school day. I sat in the far corner of the classroom as others laughed and joked with eachother about whatever escaped another's lips. I didn't pay their words any mind and focused on the lines I made across the page of my sketchbook, my pencil moving perfectly to make the lines I wanted.

I could hear the ticks of the clock above the doorway, counting down the time before the bell. The boys in my class stood on the desks and yelled, loudly. I wished the old class president was still here, but she graduated early and went to a university. I sigh lightly as I shade a part of the paper, I hear footsteps moving closer to my desk.

Honestly this wasn't uncommon for this to happen, since I'm the quiet girl as the stereotype goes I get picked on. And the girls couldn't get enough of it since I sat behind the most desired boy in the entire school, the famous Usui Takumi.

He never looked my way when they teased me, but then again why would he. I didn't let the girls bother me because they never physically touched me, they just said things like how pathetic and lonely I am. So as their heels clicked the hard flooring in the direction of my desk I didn't move.

"Well look how it is, the nerdy b*tch with her nose in a sketchbook again," she flipped her hair over her shoulder as her friends moved around me.

"What, are to to scared to face me, your so pitiful," one of the friends wiped a fake tear making them all burst out in laughter, I didn't react.

"Ugh! Look at someone when they are talking to you girl! Do you have no manners?" The first girl said suddenly offended by my lack of a reaction.

One of them grinned at the others, then her hand slips under mine and she snatches my sketchbook. She jumps back as I turn around, they laughed. She started flipping through the pages, putting on a disgusted face each time she saw the next picture.

"This is what you waste your time on, Ha! These are trash, you have no talent!" She shouts, I stand up and begin to walk towards her.

She smiles and tosses the sketchbook to another girl, who tosses it to the main girl. I stand there in silence, taking a deep breath and walking back to my desk. She furrows her eyebrows in irritation, I shoved my notebooks in my bag until I caught a glimse of her smirk.

"I've noticed something, this sketchbook seems important to you, why is that?" Her voice becoming more sadistic after each vowel.

I froze for a moment, finally aware that everyone in the room besides Usui was watching us. I saw his head move slightly after her words, he was curious. I placed my bag onto my desk and let out a sigh, trying to calm down my rage.

"Well, is that's all you want to say, then this must not be very important," she dangled the sketch book between her fingertips, "then you wouldn't mind if I did this."

She tears out pages in the sketchbook before dropping it to the floor and stomping on it repeatedly. Her friends laughed as they shreaded more pages. I turned to them, my eyes shadowed by my hair.

Just as the main girl looks at me my knuckles make contact with her nose. She gets throw back to the ground my the force making her friends freeze, they glare and dash towards me. I grab one of the girls by her flailing fist, twisting it around and throwing her over my shoulder.

I trip the other, bringing my knee into her stomach as she fell. They were all on the ground sobbing pathetically, calling me a monster. I look down at the ruined sketchbook and turn my back, grabbing my bag and walking out the door just as the bell rings.

3rd. Person POV

As (y/n) calmly left the classroom, she wasn't aware of Usui's gaze that followed her. They girls remained on the floor, reaching out to other's for help but were ignored. Usui looked out the window beside him and saw (y/n)'s figure walking briskly away, he smirked.

Anime Boys x Reader One-ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara