LEMON Katsuki x Shy!Reader x Shouto Pt. 2 ~BNHA~

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I'm finally back!!!

I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to post!
And finals for me are at the begining of the New Year so I won't have time to write then.
I've just been really busy and stressed by my life during this time, and was trying to keep up with things that I forgot I really even had a story.

I want you all to know how thankful I am that I managed to reach 10k reads despite not posting in 3 months!

Also Happy New Year and Merry Christmas/ whatever holiday your family celebrates!

I hope you all enjoy this and I will post whenever possible!



After school I will make you mine.

My heart pounds against my ribcage, anxiety creeping in as I quickly open the doors to the dorm building. I get to the elevator and mess with my fingers while waiting for it to arrive. As soon as it does I quickly walk inside, nearly punching the floor number where my dorm is.

It seems to take much longer for the upward movement to stop, the door open allowing me out into the hallway. I step out, quickly walking to my door, unlocking it before stepping inside.

I shut the door behind me to hard, making sure to lock it before leaning my back agains tthe wood surface and sliding down to the floor. I replay Shouto's words in my head over and over, each time they seem less intimidating.

Listening to it over again, I consider it as an option. I never really hated the idea, I just didn't have time to process and firgure out what I wanted. And despite them being persistant, they were both gentle when they touched me, like they didn't want to scare me away.

"I can't believe I'm actually thinking about this," I groan, leaning my head back against the door.

I slowly lift my body up again, dragging my feet until I reached the end of my bed. I allow my body to fall onto the mattress, cuddling into the soft sheets as a delicate smile creeps across my lips.

"I wouldn't mind becoming their's," my voice was a faint mutter, that seemed to echo through my room.

Not even a couple seconds later a soft knock can be heard against my door, my heart rate picks up immediately. Despite knowing what I want, I am not good at expressing that to others.

I pull myself up, fixing my hair and checking myself in the mirror really quick. Taking a deep breath, before I reach for the door handle, and opening the door.

I am surprised to see a bright wide smile, owned by the girl who's skin is pink standing there. I smile in return allowing her to walk inside my room, she strides in, before turning to me.

"So I heard what you said, who are 'they'?" Mina smirks, taking a step closer to me.

"N-nobody," I avoid her eyes.

"Oh come on, tell me please!"


She sighs, placing a finger on her chin in thought before meeting my eyes again with an even wider smile.

"How about I guess, and if I'm right you have to explain," she nudges me with her shoulder.

"Fine, but you only get one chance."

"Okay, Bakugou-kun and Todoroki-kun!"

My jaw drops, my face deepens as she grins in victory.

"H-how did you know?" I mutter, at a loss for words.

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