Izuku x Reader ~ BNHA

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This is going to be a revised version of the one I wrote previously that was deleted.
Since that one was one of my favorites, I actually started getting emotional while writing it.
(cause I don't want to get deleted again)
I hope you enjoy!



"(y/n), will you be my girlfriend!" Izuku's shaky voice filled the room, all heads turned in our direction noticing his 90 degree bow towards me.

I look down at is outstretched shaky hand, keeping his feet planted firm on the ground in nervousness. I look at the faces around the room, Mina was crying since she always wanted us to get together. The guys were giving me a wink or a thumbs up, I turn back to Izuku. I take a step foward, lifting my hand and wrapping it together with his. His head quickly lifts, tears brimming his eyes.


I only nod in response, his face brightens into the most innocent cheery smile. He pulled my hand slightly bringing me to his chest as he wraps his arms around my frame. I am enveloped in his soothing warmth as his head snuggles into the side of my neck in my hair, people clapped in response to the outcome. I shove my face into his chest, taking in his scent during this sweet moment.


"Finally! That mission took forever, so I'll be home soon okay?"

I spoke through the hotel phone, my Pro Hero lover on the other end. Izuku chuckles at my pout, sighing slightly.

"I'm lonely without you, see you soon, now sleep," his soothing voice ushering me to rest, I giggle slightly.

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you so much (y/n)."


I don't know what happened until I find myself being pushed through bright halls, a hard flat surface bellow me as the lights passed overhead. Voices surround me, panick filling the room, one voice seems to catch my attention. I allow my eyes to drift in it's direction, Izuku's puffy face comes into view. Worry stricken across his features, his hands desperately attempting to reach towards me through the swarm of others in white doctors coats.

"Mr Midoriya, please step back, we'll take care of her," one of the nurses' stopped him, keeping him still as I'm taken away.

"Her heartbeat is weakening."

Quickly I'm pushed through another set of doors, the tention around me hightened. I'm stopped in the a spot surrounded by computers, someone stabbed a needle into my forearm. My arm becomes tingly before all feel from it vanishes, the darkness in the corner of my vision coming closer to surrounding me. The more those around me move, the sooner my body becomes still. I allow my eyes to completely close, the darkness taking over my thoughts as I hear the bustling around me continue.


"You have no idea how worried I was," Izuku sighs, his hand entertwined with mine as we walk up to the doors of our shared house.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't plan on getting into a crash," I hold his hand tighter, my added remark makes him chuckle slightly.

We open the doors only to reveal the dark entrance, after a moment the lights suddenly flicker on reveal the livingroom filled with our old classmates. Peering around the room as nostalgia hits me, tears brim my eyes as Uraka, Momo, and Tsuyu crash into me from the momentum of them running, their arms wrapping around my frame tightly encompassing me in their protection. Cheers fill the room as everyone joins the hug, catching up on eachother's lives and currect activities.

Anime Boys x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now