LEMON Masochist!Haru x Sadist!Reader ~Free!~

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Okay really quick!
I'm so sorry I haven't updated much lately.
It was the end of a school year for me so I had a lot to do.
But it is officially summer so I'll have more time to write chapters!
I'll try to post as much as I can, if I don't pos for a while then it might be because something came up.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

<3 author-senpai


I smirk slightly as I skip down the road on my way to my boyfriends house, having dirty images going through my head only made me more excited. The sun was setting changing the sky into a blend of blue, pink, purple, and orange.

This has become so usual for me, heading to Haru's house as the sun sets to begin a night of fun, it makes me think back, to when I first found this side of my boyfriend.


We had only been dating for about 2 months and currently we are in a heated kiss, sitting on Haru's bed when we should be doing homework. I moved closer and closed the distance between up, my hand moved on its own and slid down his abs making him moan slightly.

He seemed to shudder and give into my advancements, I smirks against his lips as I pushed his back to the bed, cradling his hips while kissing him. I move my hand up and slide my fingers over his nipples that poked out of his shirt, he let out a strained moan, I kiss down his jaw as I began to play with his nipples between my fingertips.

"Do you like that Haru~?" I mutter in his ear, pinching them suddenly.

"Mmm, yes m-master~" he moans, I was surprised by the name but then pinched them harder making his back arch and his hips thrust foward as he moans.

"How naughty, have you been keeping this side from me huh, have you kitten~?" I mutter into his ear, biting his earlobe slightly making him sigh as he wiggles under my grip.

"I'm s-sorry~" he sighs breathlessly.

"I think you deserve a punishment~"

"P-please don't hold back"

End flashback.....

I shiver in delight at the memory, despite Haru normally being calm and emotionless around others, when we are alone he is like putty in my hands and I can't get enough of it.

Today I had a new outfit to tease him with, although I love his side that obeys me, he, like any man, has the urge to take dominance over me. But I have learned my way around that, and the more I rile him up the more lustful the night end up being, and tonight I made sure to plan things perfectly.

I jumped up his steps and softly hit my knuckles against the hard surface of the door, I didn't need to knock but why not right? I heard footsteps then the door drifted open, I see my wonderful sexy boyfriend with his bathing suit and an apron on showing off his slim waist.

I couldn't help but let my eyes wander up and down his frame as he realizes that I'm staying over due to the bag on my shoulder. He opened the door wider and let me inside, I took off my shoes and he went back to prepaing whatever meal he was cooking.

I watched his movements patiently, he could feel my gaze making his steps more cautious, he tried not to move around to much as he knew I was watching everything.

"Haru, hurry up I wanna cuddle~" I sigh rolling across the floor messing up my hair making his cheeks flush slightly.

"I'm almost done, just another minute," his words were hesitant, he knew I would punish him if he did something wrong, so he was being cautious.

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