Chapter 24

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I wake up the next morning and William still has his arms around me. "Hey." He says in a husky voice. "Heyy..." I yawn. He kisses my nose and buries his head in the side of my neck. "When did you wake up?" I ask. "Long time ago...I put everything away and then came to snuggle with you...your adorable when you sleep ya know." He mumbles. I blush, "Thanks..babe." He kisses my cheek and I play with his hair. "Your tummy ok?" He asks. "Yea it'll be fine..Wanna get ready?" I ask. "Sure.." He says. We get out of bed and I go straight to the bathroom.

I do my routine then change my clothes, Adidas pants and a Toronto Bulls sweatshirt. "Mind if I shower?" Will asks. "Go right ahead...can't guarantee I won't be needing something from the bathroom though." I wink. He chuckles, "Your welcome to join if you want." I smile, "You do your think.." He smiles and grabs my ass on his way to the bathroom. I laugh and walk into the living room.

"Hey Hey!" Mitch says, "Look who's up, sleepy ass." I roll my eyes, "No your sleepy ass." He pouts and continues to chop up some strawberries. "Whatcha doin?" I say. "Makin some crepes." He says. "How?" I ask and look in a pan that has a tortilla in it. He shrugs, "I just am...move away from my master piece!" He shoes me away. "I'd like one...if we get a chance to eat them before the building burns down..." Steph laughs and I smirk at him. "Shut up!" Mitch says and throws an oven mitt at me. "Oh yea?" I smile and whip it at his butt. "Owwww! Meanie!" He whines. I take a seat on the couch, trying not to die of laughter. Then Will comes in shirtless and his hair dripping wet but he still has his jogging pants and socks on. I stare at him as he comes closer to me. "Can I help you?" He whispers, leaning in closer to my face. "" I stutter and then let out a nervous laugh. He grabs my sides and presses his lips on mine. I grind my body into him and he tackles me on the couch. We make out for a good 30 seconds until we need air. Then he gives me a cute smile and fixes his hair so its flowing everywhere, it's extremely messy but he knows I like it like that. "Can I do your hair?" I say quietly. He smiles and picks me up and carries me into the bathroom.

I make him sit down on a chair as I brush out and blow dry his hell of a lot of hair. He styles it the way he likes it and gives me a kiss. "Thanks baby." I smile and take his hand, leading him to the couch once again. "Did you two have a good time?" Steph wiggles her eyebrows. I blush, even though we literally did nothing. "I just dried this kids hair." I say and reach up to ruffle it. "Heyyyy..." Will says and lays his head down in my lap. "Breakfast is done!" Mitch says and does a dance. Will gives me a look, "He made food?" I shrug and we get up. "Ooooo babe this looks good!" Steph says and takes a seat beside him. I stare at the crepe and finally decide to eat it. "Woah....Mitch made food guys!" I smile. "See told ya I could cook!" He says. "Yea actually though, this is good." Will says with his mouth full. "Why thank you." Mitch says and takes a bow. We giggle and keep eating. "Oh hey, Sage I forgot to tell you.." Mitch says, "The hospital called and said they wants to see if you can get rid of the boot today." "What. Really?" I say, "It hasn't even been that long." Mitch shrugs, "I know." "We'll go after we eat." Will smiles to me which I return.

I bring my plate to the sink and grab my coat and shoes. "Mitch can you do the dishes?" I ask, eager to get out the door. He sighs, "Fine, but you owe me." "Yes! I mean thanks! Will hurry up!" I say as he puts a shirt and jacket on. "I'm coming babe, hold on." He chuckles. We go to his car and drive to the hospital.

When we get there we check in and wait in the waiting room. Me and Will hold hands. "I don't know why I'm nervous babe..." I say. He smiles, "I hope you'll get the cast off." "Me to." I kiss his cheek and wait impatiently until we get called. "Sage Mckena?" A lady says and me and Will jump up and follow her to another room.

We wait for a while till a doctor comes. "Hello there, my names Dr. Smity how are we all doing?" "Egar to hear good news!" I joke. He chuckles and takes a seat in the rolley chair beside me. "Let's see..." He squints at his clipboard, "So you've got a bad ankle and a concussion..." "Yeah." I say in a small voice suddenly letting the memories from that night flood my mind. "Welp let's take a look." He gets up and gets the x-ray machine ready to examine my ankle. He does so and waits for the image to appear on a screen. Will looks at me and smiles, rubbing his thumb over my fingers. I blow him a kiss and he grabs the air, pretending he caught it. I shake my head and giggle slightly at him. "Alrighty...looks like we have some good news!" Dr. Smity says. I feel my eyes light up and lean to get a look at the screen.

He moves out of the way and points to an area that healed in my ankle. "This before was all in orange and now its blue which is a very good sign." I smile, trying not to scream of happiness. "You will most likely be leaving here with a good ankle." "So no boot cast?!" I smile. "Correct." I fist pump in the air, "Yessss!" Will and the doctor chuckle. "But what about my concussion?" I ask. "Hmm..Does you head still hurt after simple things you do?" "No..not as much as it used to." "Ok." He says and feels my forehead. "Does this hurt?" "No." "How about this?" He asks, feeling my temples. "Nope." He does a few more tests and comes to a conclusion. "Yup, you passed everyone. Good job Sage but still be a bit careful." I smile, "Yes of course. Thanks!" He nods, "No problem. You two can go whenever you please." Then he gets up and leaves.

"AHHHHH!" I yell and Will lifts me off the bed and into the air. "I'm so happy!" I say. "Me to! Now you can finally play hockey!"Will smiles. "Umm...What do you mean?" I ask and he puts me on the ground. "With me and the guys or you not gonna go back?" He says. "I-I don't know...I mean...I haven't really thought about it." I say. "They probably suspended those girls or even kicked them off the team for what they did...this could be a new chance for you to start over again, ya know." I nod, "That's true...I'll think about it." He puts and arm around my waist, "Good, I don't want you to not be happy." I smile, "I love you." He kisses my now well temple..."I love you more."

Flawed | William Nylander (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon