Chapter 41

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We put our stuff in a locker and I lead Steph to the equipment. "Oooo I know some of these! Mitch used to take me to the gym once in a while." She says and goes under a sit up bar. I nod, "That's good then..I won't have to 'teach' you." I smirk. She rolls her eyes. We work with the equipment and stuff but I get bored and wander over to the punching bags.

There are a few guys there putting on gloves. "Punching gloves?" I say out loud. "Boxing gloves." A cutie says, taking a swing at a punching bag. I smirk and pick up a pair of small gloves. I strap em on and see Steph walk over. "Hey...I didn't know you boxed." She says. I shrug, "I don't." "Want some help? I can give you a few pointers," The same cute guy says. I smile, "Eh why not?" Steph looks at me. "He just wants to help," I smirk. She nods and grabs some gloves herself. "My names Chase," The guys says and puts out his hand. I shake it and introduce us, "I'm Sage, this is Steph." He nods, "You wanna learn how to box?" I shrug, "I just need to get my anger out." He laughs, "Alright then. So you wanna position yourself like this and go at it." I nod and stand like he does. "A bit more to the right." He says and puts his hands on my waist. "Now move from the core," He runs his hands over my middle which makes me shutter slightly. I try not to let him see and punch the stupid bag with some force. It hardly moves. Chase removes his hands from me and backs up, "Try again."

I stare the bag down and punch with all I got. It moves more this time and when it comes back, I punch it again, and again, and again. "There ya go!" Chase says. I look over at him and he runs to catch the bag that almost hits me. I stumble backwards, "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" He chuckles, "No sweat, but watch out. Don't want you getting hurt." I blush at that and mentally curse at myself.

I grab a towel and Stephanie steps up to a bag and makes jokes about it. She hops up and down and pretends to wipe sweat from her forehead. "I'm ready! I'm gonna kill this thing!" She points two fingers from her eyes to the bag. I laugh as I hang my towel around my neck. "Let's go!" She yells as she punches it. "More power." Chase says. Steph does but it doesn't really go anywhere. I chuckle. She 'gets mad' and starts kicking it and eventually tackles it.

I die of laughter when she falls on the ground. Chase helps her to her feet and she throws her hands up, "And that's how it's done!" I smile and hug her. "That was awesome!" "I know," She says and takes a seat on a bench. "Hey. What do you think Will and Mitch are doing now?" She shrugs, "Don't think about them now...we're having fun!" I smile, "Ok." "You ladies taking a break?" Chase steps close to me. "Yeah...this is fun stuff." He nods, "Indeed it is. I've been doing it since I was six, could never get enough of it. And you're actually pretty good." I smile, "Really?" He nods and sweeps past me. Steph wiggles her eyebrows at me and I shake my head.

Obviously I'm not gonna get with this guy. I love Will. But...he could be sniffing some other girls butt right now and I wouldn't know it. Chase takes off his gloves and goes on the pull up bar. Me and Steph watch him as he does chin ups so effortlessly. "Damn." She says. I nod, "Our boys could do that to, ya know." She nods, "Yeah. It's hot." I giggle, "Very hot." We take off our gloves to and put them back. We stay sitting, regaining strength. I rub my sore hands together and relax. Then suddenly I see two men who look exactly like John and Auston walk by the weights. I look at Steph who's on her phone. "Steph, isn't that John and Auston?" She looks up and shrugs. "That's totally them!" "No it's not..their at that party...remember." She says and sits in front of me blocking my view. I'm about to get up but then I remember. "Oh yeah."

After a few more workout routines, we thank Chase for helping us...even though he mostly checked us out...and head home...or to Mitch's condo. We throw our stuff inside and change out of our sweaty workout clothes. I put on a cute crew neck sweater and ripped jeans. Steph mostly does the same. "I'm kinda hungry...we should have stopped at Tim's or something." I say. "Yea...but I want spaghetti." Steph says. I giggle, "That's so random." She nods, "Let's get some spaghetti!" I check the cupboard for her spaghetti and hold up some macaroni. "Will mac and cheese do?" She shakes her head, "I don't want you to cook. That's to much trouble." "Let's get takeout then," I smirk. She smiles and cheers.

We drive to an Italian restaurant and go to the drive thru. We order some spaghetti and go to a parking spot. "I haven't had pasta in like forever!" Steph says. I nod, "Same." We open the containers and start eating in the car. "That was fun today, eh." Steph says. I nod, "Meeting Chase and all." She smiles, "Yea. What a good distraction...whens your next game?" I roll my eyes, "I almost forgot about that." Steph rests a hand on my arm. "I'm sure it'll be fine love." "Will it really be though? Everyone's probably going to be talking about this party." She shakes her head, "I wanna come and support my girl." I smile, "Really?!" She laughs, "Um..yes why not. I feel bad that I haven't been coming." I smile, "Awwe thanks Steph." We finish our food and start the drive back.

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