Chapter 59

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We make it back to the condo and I change into casual clothes. "What'd you guys say we go out for ice cream?" Mitch says. "It's winter weirdo." Steph says. He shrugs, "It's never to cold for ice cream....let's let Sage decide." I smile, "Why me." "Welcome to the team that's why." He smirks. I playfully hit him, "Thanks loser. Let's go to The Cheesecake Factory." "Omg yes! I haven't been there in like forever." Steph says. Mitch nods, "Ok ok. I see you." I giggle, "Let's go for like lunch-dinner. So we don't have to eat again." I say. "Perfect." Will says and kisses me. 

I decide to take a nap for a few hours considering the leafs practice took everything out of me. "Want me to wake you when we have to go?" Will says and gets into bed with me. "Aren't you sleeping to?" He shakes his head, "I'll just be here." "Ok." I say and roll over to sleep. 

Sure enough Willy wakes me half an hour before we have to leave. "Hey." I say and stretch. "You slept for three hours." Will says and cups my face in his hands. I smile and he kisses my nose. "I forgot to tell you." He says. "What." "We have a game tomorrow." My eyes light up, "Really?!" He smiles and nods. "Am I in the line up?" He shurgs, "I'm not sure about that but you'll have to come either way." I sigh of joy, "This could be the night of my life babe!" He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto him. "I know! I'm so fricken proud." Then he attacks me with kisses!

"Alright let's get this show on the road." I say after a few minutes of lying in bed. I change into a more 'dressy' outfit that was just white jeans and a polo shirt. Will stays in his plain t-shirt and jogging pants. "Not gonna dress up?" I say. He shrugs, "Do you think I should?" "I don't know...but it would be nice to have a turn on..." I say bluntly. He looks me up and down and then smirks, "Alrighty then." I watch him as he changes into ripped jeans and a plaid flannel. I smile, "Much better." 

He grabs my waist and smacks my butt as we walk out. "Whoa look at you guys." Steph whistles. "Um...look at you guys." I say, "Your matching!" They're both wearing jeans and the same hoodie. She giggles, "Yea we are." Mitch hugs her from behind and I 'awwe'. "Let's gooo." Will says and we head out. 

We take Mitch's car, of course, to Cheesecake Factory. We walk in and no one seems to recognize us. Which is a good thing. A girl about our age takes us to the back where we're seated in a booth. I sit beside Will and Stephanie sits across from me."I'll be right back to take your orders." She says and as she's leaving...winks at Will. I look at his reaction and he gives her a sweet smile. Nothing personal I tell myself. He's hot and she can think so to. 

She comes back with a pen and paper and starts with Will. I put a hand on his arm while I place my order and make sure she sees. "Ok, I'll be right back with your food." She fake smiles and walks away. "Jeez." Steph mumbles to me. I nod, "I know." "Humm?" Will says. "That girl was totally checking you out." I smile. He looks at me wide eyed. "I don't care, your hot. She can check you out all she wants. It ain't gonna happen." I say. "That'a girl! Don't let it bother you!" Steph high fives me. Will places my leg on top of his and rests his hand on my thigh. Steph smirks at me and I smile, "Now I get more attention." "Humm?" Will looks at me lovingly and rubs my thigh. "Nothing." I giggle. 

The waitress comes around with our food and scurries away. I dig into my chicken and fries. "This is so good." Steph says. She got a salad, but at least she's eating it. Will got a steak and put a piece on my plate, "Try it." I do and nod, "Yummy." We finish our meals and talk about the usual stuff. "I got an email from Mike and your starting tomorrow." Mitch says. "Wow." Is all I can say. "I love you guys...I really do." I start, "You guys have been here for me these past few months and I can't thank you enough." "Awwe! We love you to." Steph says. Will kisses my cheek, "We're really proud of you Sage." 

We end the night walking around an old part of town. It's relaxing and peaceful outside so we thought it was a good idea. We walk along a beach which is partly covered in snow but the water is pretty. Will takes my hand and we walk behind Mitch and Steph. "I like this." I say. He nods, "Me to...your so beautiful babe." I smile and he leans down so I can kiss him. "Your beautiful to...and that girl definitely thought so to." I giggle. He rolls his eyes, "Whatever babe." 

We keep walking till the sun goes down and it really starts getting cold. I start to shiver. I had just thrown on my lighter pull over for 'fashion'. Will smirks, "Are you cold?" I shake my head but my teeth are chattering a bit. "Here." He takes his jacket off and hands it to me. "Awwe!" I gush and put the jacket on without hesitation. "Thanks babe." I lean into him as we walk to the car.

We make it to the condo and settle. "Better get some sleep for tomorrow hockey champ!" Mitch says and ruffles my hair. "Hey!" I giggle and jump on him. He wrestles me to the ground and jumps in the air, "I win! Again!" "We haven't wrestled in like forever loser." I say and Will picks me up. "I'm still a winner." He says and turns on the t.v. "Whatever." I say and head to my room. I drag William along and I take a seat on the bed. "You know...your mom asked me if we've had sex." I say. He starts blushing, "No way." "Yes way." "What did you say?" I look down, "Well I told her the truth." He smiles, "That's ok. It's just my mom." "I told her your kinda sloppy." His face turns even more red.

"Ok maybe that's a bit far." He says. I giggle, "We were just talking." He sighs, "You really think that? Come on I'm not that bad." I smirk, "Are we really having this conversation right now?" "About my sex capabilities? Yes, yes we are." He lays down and I get on top of him. "Are you gonna give me a chance to redeem myself?" "Only if your brave enough to try." I smirk. He blushes. "Your so cute." I pinch his cheek and give him a kiss. "There's no need to be shy about this kind of stuff." I say and take his hand and put it on my thigh. He slightly gulps and I smirk even more. 

"Am I making you nervous?" He shakes his head, "Not at all." Then he places both hands at my waist and moves on top of me. I squeal in delight and patiently watch to see what he's gonna do next. He looks deeply into my eyes and attacks my neck with kisses. "Mmmm..." I moan. "Not so bad then?" He says. "Ehh...not sure about that." I whisper. He moves down to my breasts and leaves a trail of kisses. "Can I take this off?" He pulls on my shirt. "The experienced would just do, not ask." I tease him. He furrows his brows and yanks my shirt off. I laugh as he moves quickly to remove my jeans as well.

He keeps his hands on my bare waist and slides them over my body. I close my eyes and enjoy the sweet feeling. "Babe." I hear him grunt. I look at him and he smiles, "You look tired." I yawn and shake my head. "We can do this tomorrow." "We have a game tomorrow." I moan. "No I mean we can do it in the morning." I give him a look of confusion, "Morning sex?" He nods, "We've both never done it before." I shrug, "That's true." I take some time to think about it and agree. I'll be more into it if I'm not half asleep like all the other times. "Ok." I say. We both get into the sheets and wrap our arms around each other. 

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