Chapter 49

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Once I make it to the garage, I head to the dead end where Mitch and I shot pucks at a net one time. Yess! It's still here. I squeal out loud and tie up the big holes in the net so they look smaller. "There. Good as new." I mutter. "Hey." A voice says. I turn around and see Chase, the guy from the gym standing before me. "Oh hey! Fancy seeing you here." I smile. "Yeah. I was just going to run some errands." He says and points his keys at a BMW, "Do you live in this building?" I nod, "Well I'm staying with a cousin and his girlfriend Steph, the girl that was with me." Chase nods, "Cool. I didn't know you play hockey." I nod and wrist shoot the puck in the top corner. "Yeah, hockey is my life." "Well I'll see you around Sage." He winks. I give him a friendly smile and he gets in his car and drives away.

I practice my shot and deking the air many many times. I miss the net a few times and then work on my aim from far away. I get frustrated most of the shots don't make it. "Gotta be better than this." I say and sit on the concrete and start doing some stretches. Before I know it, Chase pulls up in his spot again and comes up to me. "That was fast." I say. He gives me his hand and helps me off the floor. He shrugs, "Not really. It took me an hour to go to the grocery store and back." "An hour? Already? What time is it?" He opens his phone, "One a.m." I sigh of relief. Still got time. "Mind if I join you?" He asks and stands at the net.  I chuckle, "Not at all." I take a shot at he catches it. "You can shoot harder than that!" He yells. I smirk and aim higher. He catches it again. I shake my head and keep shooting. After a while my arms start to hurt and we take a time out.

"Your pretty good." He pants. "Ya think so?" I say and sit on the concrete. He nods, "Why are you practicing anyway?" "I got a scout game tomorrow. I didn't know till just a few hours ago." He nods again. "I see. Well don't push yourself to hard." I smile, "That's what my boyfriend told me." His face expression saddens a bit but he keeps calm. "Hey. Do you wanna come cheer me on?" I ask. He shakes his head, "I don't want to intrude." I nod, "Yea... Which condo do you live in anyway." He smiles at me, "The next building over." "Ohhh cool." I say. 

Theres a bit of awkward silence. "You sure you don't wanna come? It'll be fun." He smiles, "I don't want all that boyfriend drama and shit. I'm not that type of guy." I think for a minute, "Wait Will isn't coming to my game. Oh yea...he said he couldn't come I don't know why. He's been so secretive recently but says theres some huge surprise he's doing for me."  Chase nods, "Sounds like a good guy." I nod, "He is." Then he gets up, "Well it was good seeing you." "You to." I say and watch him get his groceries from his car. "Good luck tomorrow darling. You'll do just fine." I smile and wave him goodbye.

 When he's officially out of sight I get up and start shooting the puck again. He called me darling. That's a new one. I play around till I get bored and call it a night. Well morning I guess. It's probably around at least four now. I get all my stuff and head to the condo. 

I open the door and see everyone still fast asleep. Will looks so peaceful having the couch all to himself so I go to my room except I don't sleep. I hear a knock on my door and in walks Stephanie. "Hey. Where did you go?" She says and takes a seat on my bed. "I practiced my shooting in the garage. You'll never guess who I saw." "Who." She moans, exhausted and gets under my sheets. "Chase from the gym. He lives across the street." She nods, "Ohh cool." "Yeah he practiced with me and let me shoot on him." She nods again, "Are you going to go to bed?" I shake my head, "I'm gonna watch replays." I grab my phone from the night stand and click through hockey highlights. "Goodnight then." She says and rolls over. "Good night Steph."

I see the sun rise up and put my phone down. Steph is fast asleep beside me so I make sure to be careful not to wake her. I go to the kitchen and make some scrambled eggs. By the time I finish eating them, everyone gets up. "Morning." I say to Will who's stretching. "Hey baby...big day today." I raise my eyebrows, "Don't have to tell me twice." He chuckles and walks over to give me a hug. "You look hot." He says. "You to." I ruffle his messy hair. "I'm gonna get dressed." I say. "Me too." He follows. 

I change into workout gear and make sure my hockey bag is packed. "And that's done." I say and bring the bag to the front door. "Are you coming Steph?" She looks up from her phone. "Umm..I'm not sure...babe can I go?" She turns to Mitch. He shakes his head, "You have a thing to go to remember?" He whispers. I roll my eyes. Will comes out of my room and waves the couple good bye. "I'll drive you. I'm sorry I can't come." Will kisses my temples. I sigh, "It's fine I guess. I'll still see you after right?" He nods, "I'll pick you up." We head to his car and drive to the arena.

I hop out and carry my bag inside. I walk to the change room and suddenly bump into someone. "I'm so sorry." I smile at the guy I hit. "No sweat...Sage?" "Chase? I thought you said you couldn't come? How did you even find the place?" I smirk. He shakes his head, "I couldn't come cause I had a different hockey game to go to...but I guess it's the same one...?" I give him a confused look and Thea emerges from a crowd down the hall, yelling Chase's name. My heart drops. 

"Chase there you are! I new you'd come to my game!" She gives him a fat kiss on the lips and he admittedly shrugs her off. "Uh yea...I guess." He mumbles. "Why are you talking to this girl?" She points at me in disgust. "Umm we know each other Thea." I say and carry on to the change room. "What do you mean 'know each other?'" She annoyingly follows. I sigh, "Thea I have a life to ya know? I can talk to people." She scoffs, "Well of course loser I'm not dumb." "Then why did you bother asking?" I take my place in the corner and start putting my equipment on. 

When I exist the room, Chase is standing there waiting. I walk past him but he stops me. "Sage look. I'm sorry. I didn't know you and Thea were...on the same team?" He says. I nod. "Then why is she so rude towards you." I smile, "It's a long story." He smiles, "Well just for the record, we're not dating or anything. We met through a friend and I guess asking me to her game...or your game...was her way of seeing me." I nod, "No biggy. Just remember to cheer for me on the sidelines." I smirk. He chuckles and I head to the ice. 

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