Chapter 48

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Hey Ya'll just wanted to make sure you guys are doing alright during this sad time. Please stay safe and listen to your governments advice. Praying for everyone🙏🙌

"You wanna get some food for later?" Mitch asks, driving out of the parking lot. "McDonalds!!" I scream. "McDonalds it is." Mitch says and drives to McDonalds. We order through the drive thru and go home. I change into comfy clothes and we lounge around. I sit at the kitchen table and scroll through some emails on my laptop. Will comes up behind me and puts his strong hands on my shoulders. "That looks boring." He whispers. "It is." I say. He starts massaging my neck and back. I shove my laptop aside and rest my head in my arms, enjoying his gentle touch. 

"Get up." He whispers in my ear. I do what he says and he sits in the chair and pats his lap for me to sit. I smile and mentally scream, yes!! I slowly sit, emphasizing my ass. He places his hands on my hips and then wraps his arms around my torso and places his head on my back. "Your so small." He mutters. "I'm really not, your just tall." I say and open my laptop again. 

I see that I have new email from Benny and open it. "Whoa babe, lookit this!" I say in awe. He looks over my shoulder and reads. "There's gonna be scouts coming to the next game!" I scream. He's not as amused as I am and goes back to resting his head on my back. "This is awesome!" I say. "Whens the game." He smirks. "Not sure." I say. "Read more." He says. I skim through it and Will smirks at me. "What?! Tomorrow!" I shriek. He chuckles. "I gotta practice, go to the gym, and-and ugh why didn't they send this out earlier?" He shrugs. "Move babe! I gotta goooo!" 

He lets go of me and watches me scramble around. "Wait why are you not excited?" I say. "I already know about this." He smirks. I stare at him, "Right. Wanna come to the gym with me?!" "We just skated." He laughs. "I don't care!" I scramble to my room and change into a workout bra and leggings. "Are you coming or what?!" I say. He nods and follows me. "Your not changing? Whatever let's just go. Mitch Steph! We're going to the gym!" I yell. "Why?" Steph says from the couch. "There's scouts coming tomorrow and I gotta get the gainssss!" I say. She laughs, "Ok have fun." "Thanks! Let's gooo!" I grab Will and drag him to the gym. 

"We should have taken the car babe. Now we have to walk." Will complains. I stare at him, "Kinda the point." He sighs, "How bout we just jog around the neighborhood." I give him a look. "Come's nice out and the suns about to set!" I look around. I guess so. "ok fine." I say. He smiles and holds my hand. We jog around a nature park. The snow on the ground is mostly gone but it's still on the trees. "Damn mother nature did the trees good." I say. Will chuckles, " about tomorrow..." I look at him. "I can't come to watch...neither can Mitch...or Steph...well actually she might." I nod sadly, "ok." He opens his mouth as if to say more but shakes his head and closes it. I continue to look around and enjoy the nature. 

"Are we done babe?" Will pants. This is our tenth lap around. "What?" I pant. "Are.we.done." He says out of breath. "Just ten more!" I say, also out of breath. "Ugh. I think your pushing it to much then you'll be sore." He says. "No I'll be fine."  "Baby." He stops and looks into my eyes. "What." "You're already fit. Your already strong. You don't need to workout all the time." I sigh and look everywhere but him. "Let's get some Booster Juice and then we can go home and eat our McDonalds." He says. I nod and we walk hand in hand to Booster Juice. 

We both get protein smoothies and bars for a snack later. "This was fun." Will says as we walk out. I nod, "We should get out just us two again." "We should." He says and holds my hand. "You really like the holding hands thing uh?" I giggle. "Your hands are so soft. I wish I could hold them all the time." He says. "Awwe." I gush. We head home from our jog. Today was a good day. 

We enter the condo and the other couple are wrapped up in each other on the couch. "Awe." I say as I take my shoes off. "How was the gym?" Steph asks. "It was fun. We ran around the park instead." I say and Will nods, placing a hand on my side. "Oooo fun fun." She says, "We're watching a movie." I go to the kitchen and warm up a McDonald's chicken burger. "Two burgers in one day?!" Will says. "I love burgers. Don't judge me." I say and bring my plate over to the couch. 

Willy soon joins me and we eat together while watching whatever movie their watching. "That was good." I whisper and lay out on the couch. "I haven't had McDonalds in like forever." Will says and spoons me. I sigh and wrap myself in his arms. He kisses my cheek, "I love you babe." "I love you too Willy." I try to close my eyes and fall asleep but sleep never comes. I hear Will's soft snoring against my neck and run my fingers through his hair. Maybe I should do a bit more training for tomorrow. There's no sense in trying to fall asleep if the sleep ain't coming. I sigh out loud and Will turns shifts off of me. huh. I guess the universe is telling me to do go through with that idea. 

I quietly get off the couch and go to my room. I change into a tank top and new leggings. I grab a road hockey stick and ball and lace on my runners. Before I head out I admire my beautiful family. All three of them. I blow a kiss to fast asleep William, "I'll be back before we have to leave." I whisper and lock the condo door behind me. 

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