Chapter 52

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"We're home! We know you missed us!" Steph yells through the door. "Not much actually." Mitch says. "Ouch." Steph pouts. "Let's put these in my room." I say and we dump our outfits on my bed. "I'm excited!" I say. "Me to!" Steph giggles. "Maybe we'll get lucky tonight if ya know what I mean." Steph winks and nods her head towards the boys. I blush just thinking about it, "Yea maybe..." She giggles. 

We exit my room and Steph sits on Mitch's lap. "Not now babe...I'm trying to play Call of Duty!" She sighs and sits beside him. I go up to Will and he wraps an arm around my waist, "You can sit baby." I smile and lay down on his chest. Steph looks at me in shock and sticks out her tongue. He plays with my hair, "Can I braid your hair?" Will whispers, sending chills down my back. "Yes." I mutter and sit up. 

He takes my hair in his hands and separates it three ways. I sit patiently and he concentrates on my hair. "Done!" he says looking proud. I smile and go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. "Not bad babe." He come up and hugs me from behind. "I like it." "It's not the greatest." He mumbles into my shoulder. "It's not the worst." I say and he chuckles. "Whens the party startin?" He asks. I shrug, "Whenever Steph yells at us to leave." He smiles and undoes the braid. I fluff out my hair and leave it down. "Your the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes on." "Awwe baby." I cup his face with my hands and give him a kiss. One kiss lead to many and he lifts me onto  the counter. 

I run my fingers through his hair and he moans my name. He goes to tug on my sweat pants but I stop him. "Save it for later." I say and trace his jawline with my finger. He grunts, "What if I don't want to?" "Well...your gonna have to..." I say and try to hop off the counter. He holds my waist in place and gives me a serious look. I smile at the fact that he wants me so badly right now. I can literally feel it. "Babe..." I start but he quivers his lip in disgust. That makes me smile even more and hop off despite his grip. "Your being a tease." He finally says. I shrug, "At least I can contain myself." He looks at me in shock and I laugh and drag him back to the living room.

A few hours go by watching Mitch fail at Call of Duty so many times. "Here let me try." He gives me a look of defeat and hands me the controller. I click into the level he's stuck on and prepare for the worst. I kill a few enemies here and a few enemies there and before ya know it, I completed the level first try. "Here ya go." I toss the controller back to him. He looks shocked, "How did you-have you even played this game before?" He says. I shake my head, "First time." "Your a legend." I shrug, "Well ya know...that's what they all say." He shakes his head and starts the next level."No no no don't start that shit now, we have to get ready." Steph says looking up from her phone. I nod to her and we go to my room together. 

We change into the dresses and shoes. I watch Steph apply her make up in the bathroom. "Want some?" She asks. "I've never really done make up before." I confess. She looks shocked and makes me sit in a chair. I guess today is the day I make people feel shocked. She puts a whole bunch of stuff on me and I look in the mirror. "Wow...I look less...dead I guess." She giggles, "Is that a good thing?" "It's always a good thing." We walk out together, ready to face the boys.

"Woah..your hot..." Will say and wraps his arms around me. "I guess I look ok but we both know this isn't my style." He nibbles on my ear lob, "I know baby...but you look hella nice." I give him the kiss he deserves and see Mitch all over Stephanie as well. She looks natural wearing a dress. Like there meant for her to wear. I on the other hand have broad shoulders and muscular arms...dresses are not my style. I sigh and shake it off before I change my mind. "Ya know what...I'll be back." I say and run into my room. I grab a bag and shove leggings and a cropped tank top in it. There now I have back up. Just in case. 

"We ready to go?" Mitch says. Steph points to my bag, "What's that?" I smile embarrassed, "Clothes to change into just in case...I'll leave it in the car." She nods and grabs Mitch's hand. "Let's get going!" We leave and take Mitch's corvette. He pulls up to a fancy building and I feel a sudden wave of nervousness come over me. Will kisses the top of my hand and I smile at him. "You'll be fine babe...I'm right here." He whispers. I lift his chin with my finger and bring his lips to mine. "I love you....I don't know why I'm always nervous." "It's fine know everyone in there." I nod and he gives me a reassuring smile. 

"Alright ya'll lets go at it!" Steph sings and we hop out of the car. I straighten out my dress and put my hair behind my ears. I take a step and almost fumble cause of these stupid shoes. Will sets a hand on my back and steadies me. "Thanks Will." I say and he holds my hand. We walk up to the building and the door swings open. "Surprise!" I hear the lady leafs yell. "Ahhh! You guys!" I scream excitedly. 

They take me from Will and shove me inside. "Congrats babe!" Lucy yells. I end up in the middle of the group and they give me the most meaningful group hug I've ever gotten. "Oh my god thank you guys so much." I say and tears drip down my cheeks. "Awwe!" Ash squeals and they all start going on about how much they love me and how great the NHL will be. I feel kind of over whelmed and right on time, as always, Will pulls me out of the crowd unnoticed. "You alright there?" He looks concerned. I shake my head and he leans into kiss me. "Mmmm." I say and he smiles, "Better?" "Much better." 

Steph orders the bar tender to make some drinks and then starts passing them out. Ashley hands me and Will some. I take the shot and admittedly feel like gaging. "The fuck is this?"I say. Will chuckles and downs the shot no problem, "Not sure." I shake my head at him and run to find some water. The bartender gives me some and I sip it a little at a time. "Are you the birthday girl?" The guy asks. I shrug, "Kinda like that I guess. I got this once in a life time chance." He nods, "Congrats then miss. Enjoy your night." He smirks at me and goes back to making other drinks. I leave the water, just in case and head back to the party.

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