2 ~ Tiny

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You looked down in surprise while you slowly turned your body so you were facing the three males. Well the three tiny males, they were literally the size of your hand. 

"you killed kookie" you heard the tiny male with pink hair cry out. That's when you noticed the one with black hair was on the ground and you felt panic rush over you.

"Shit did I kill him" you panicked and quickly picked up the small human in your hands making sure to gently cup your hands so you wouldn't crush him.

"wha-what do I even do" you panicked while the two other males looked up at you.

"do you guys have like a very tiny hospital I can take him too" you said but you realized how stupid that sounded. You began to panic even further wondering how you were supposed to help this tiny person in your hands. But luckily you felt something shift in your hands.

The small male began shifting awake and slowly he opened his eyes and they winded as soon as he saw you looking down at him.

"YOU'RE GIANT" the black haired male screamed. It seems like he must have just passed out or something. You sighed in relief happy you didn't accidentally kill the small guy but you were also questioning if any of this was real.

Was this some sort of weird dream.

You felt the tiny person move in your hand again and noticed he was now standing up. You slowly moved your hands to make sure he didn't lose balance and you placed him on the ground where his friends were. You watched the pink haired male run and hug him "kookie you're okay".

You smiled at the interaction, they were very cute. But you were still having a internal crisis. The more you looked at them the more it felt... real, the fact that there was three tiny humans standing on the grass a few inches away from you.

You stared at them intensely hoping they would somehow disappear or you would wake up, but as time passed you came to the realization that they weren't going anywhere and this definitely didn't fell like a dream. You had to be going crazy or something, so to save what little sanity you had left you got up from your spot.

"okay well I am going now" you quickly turned to leave feeling like if you stayed you would lose what little control you had on your brain to not freak out.

"wait, could you help us" you turned around and noticed the blue hair male had spoken. You felt completely rattled, you just figure out that there a tiny people and now they want your help. You nervously looked at them contemplating what to do when you noticed the pink haired male seemed to be crying.

"Yoongi what if we never find our friends" he yelled. That really broke your heart, they were lost and looking for their friends. So in your moment of weakness you gave in 

"I guess I could try to help" you said with a nervous tone in your voice

"Well, we should start by introducing ourselves. I'm yoongi" the blue haired male said. "this is jungkook" he added while pointing towards the black haired male "and lastly this is jimin" he said while pointing towards the pink haired male.

"my name is y/n. Now how can I help you guys" you asked giving a small friendly smile.

Then yoongi sighed "well I guess we should also tell you we aren't from this world". You groaned internally trying not to have a panic attack, you are already having a hard time processing the fact that there was tiny people right in front of you but now they were saying that they were from another world.

Jimin stepped forwards slightly moving closer to you as he spoke "we came here since our tree is dying, we found out that there would be a flower here that is needed to heal the tree. So we came here with our friends".

"yoongi and our other friend hoseok didn't have enough time to study the planet so we ended up being split apart and we are no where near the flower" jungkook groaned. You nodded your head trying your best to follow the story while keeping yourself together and not having a break down at the fact that there was other worlds. 

"well it would be great if you could direct us towards the flower and help us find our friends" yoongi stated. You looked at the blue haired male in confusion and slowly pulled out your phone 

"um... like with gps" you asked with a confused face. Then jimin gasped as he quickly ran closer to you "does that hold a lot of magic" he asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

Then you chocked on your spit "magic" you said in disbelief.

Yoongi looked up at you "yes it's very simple, our magic isn't effective since we are so small. We were hoping you would quickly use your magic to find our friends and the flower". You stood there in shock before you replied

"listen, I really don't want to be the one to break the bad news but we don't really have magic here". All three of their eyes widened while jimin began crying and saying he was going to be stuck on earth forever without his other friends. 

You panicked seeing jimin crying but you managed to calm him down by patting his small head with your finger. After everything was calm again you finally spoke "is there any other way you could find them"

"well, I guess if we got close enough to them. If we were your height we would be able to sense them easily but since we are this small were going to have to be close to them" yoongi mumbled.

You looked at your phone and your eyes widened seeing the time was 8:02 pm and you had multiple calls and messages from yugyeom. "shit shit shit" you mumbled.

"okay, I can try my best to help you but for now we have to go. You guys can stay at my place if you want". Yoongi nodded so you quickly placed both your hands on the ground so all of them could fit. Then the three hopped on and you gently cupped them in your hands

"okay hold on" you said and began running to your apartment.

You quickly knocked on the door and yugyeom glared at you "why weren't you answering your phone, I was worried" he scolded. You were heavily breathing and you were trying to catch your breath to tell him about the tiny people in your hands but yugyeom sighed.

"I'm not mad I was just worried, I have to go to work early tomorrow so I'm going to bed" he said while patting your head and you watched him leave to his room.

"I-tiny-pe-people" you huffed out between deep breaths even though he was already gone.

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