8 ~ School

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You groaned as you heard your alarm blaring, you picked up your phone and shut your alarm off, you were about to go back to bed until you realized.

"OH SHIT" you yelled while you shot out of bed. You rushed to your closet and ran to the bathroom. You got changed and brushed your teeth then you ran back to your room to find your school bag.

"what's going on" a tired hoseok asked, you watched as they all got up "sorry guys I have to go to school, I totally forgot but while I'm there I promise I will think about a new plan to find your friends"

"what no, we want to go with you" jimin yelled and you noticed they all nodded. You groaned "guys I don't think it's a good idea"

"we could help you think of a new plan, please" jungkook pleaded. You felt guilty, you couldn't help but feel terrible knowing you were going to school while their friends were still somewhere lost or maybe even worse.

Having them around wouldn't hurt and you knew that together you guys could at least try to find some sort of way to look for their friends. So you sighed and quickly opened your bag and placed them in quickly. "alright just don't cause trouble" you said.

You opened the door and before you left you yelled "I'm off to school gyeomie, I will see you later" you closed the door and began walking.


You entered your class and sat down in and empty seat near the back. You then gently took off your backpack and placed your bag to the left of you on top of the table. Then you angled the bag after you opened it so you could at least hear the tiny males inside. Right when you were about to ask if they were alright from the walk here you felt someone sit to the right of you... taeyong.

You groaned while you turned to him "why are you here"

"woah, we are partners for the project right. I thought it would be better if we got to know each other" he simply stated.

You sighed, the reason you didn't want to be partners with taeyong is because he was focused on one thing only, that was definitely not this class.

Taeyong was only in your english class since he needed a random class. He wasn't even an english major, he was a dance major.

You looked at him but a voice suddenly spoke "back off y/n is taken" you looked at your bag in surprise. "did you hear that" taeyong questioned.

You shifted in your seat "h-hear what, I didn't hear anything, but if I did I would tell that someone to not cause trouble like we agreed" you said nervously.

Taeyong looked at you weirdly "okay" he said clearly confused. You sighed in relief when taeyong went back to looking at his phone like normal. You shifted your bag slightly trying to move it so that taeyong could not see into your bag thinking he might possibly catch a glimpse of one of the tiny males. 

Just as you moved your bad slightly you watched as someone sat right on the other side of you but one seat away since your backpack was blocking the seat right next to you. Jaehyun, He had set his bag right beside yours on the table.

You turned to him and he had huge bags under his eyes and he looked rough "you look rough" you said but quickly covered your mouth realizing you said that out loud. You had known jaehyun for a while and you guys were friends but you still felt bad.

"wow thanks. I didn't get much sleep last night" he sighed

Taeyong leaned over the table and was currently almost touching your shoulder. "I'm taeyong" he said with a smile and you heard jaehyun reply "I'm jaehyun, nice to meet you"

"yeah I don't care, back up from y/n" you heard another voice grumble from your bag. Your eyes widened but you could tell taeyong couldn't hear and sighed in relief. Then you turned to jaehyun and he was looking at his own backpack with wide eyes.

You looked curiously but then taeyong sat back in his seat "I'm hungry jaehyun" you heard another small voice.

You froze completely and turned to your bag and then you put your head almost directly into your backpack. You looked absolutely insane, probably like some cat that got their head stuck in a jar.

You met eyes with the five tiny people hanging out in your bag "I told you guys to not cause trouble and why the heck are you telling jaehyun you're hungry" you hissed.

"what, I only told that guy to back off when he was getting to close to you" yoongi replied. You groaned realizing it was him who kept making remarks but then your eyes widened when you heard another voice.

"I told you guys to be quiet if I brought you to school" someone hissed. You slowly removed your head from your bag and looked over to see jaehyun had his head in his bag and was whispering. You confirmed your previous thoughts, jaehyun who was doing exactly what you did only moments ago did in fact look like a cat with its head stuck in a jar.

"what the heck is he doing" taeyong said with a very confused expression, you simply shrugged your shoulders not knowing why jaehyun had also decided to mimic a cat. Taeyong simply sighed and he put his headphones in clearly not paying attention to class.

You stared at jaehyun wondering what he was doing but then you heard another small voice "but I'm hungry and I want to find my friends".

Yeah that voice was definitely coming from his bag, "I told you we would look after class" jaehyun replied.

You blinked as your tired brain seemed to slowly catch on to what was going on...

NO WAY, there is no way.

You gently leaned over towards jaehyun and he finally took his head out of his bag. His eyes widened when he noticed you were almost shoulder to shoulder with him "o-oh hey y/n. Just looking for a pencil" he stuttered. You ignored his comment while your mind was racing with thoughts

No way... it can't be

But to prove your suspicions you leaned even closer to jaehyuns bag, your heart was beating fast while you parted your lips to speak "taehyung and jin"you questioned.

"yes, speaking" you heard a small voice chirp and jaehyuns eyes widened while you both looked at each other "WHAT" you both screamed and stood up from your seats. 

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