5 ~ Long Day

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You arrived at the park and took out your phone looking at the map "okay so we start over there" you said while pointing to where you were going to begin your search.

"what were your friends names any ways" you questioned while you began walking. "It's namjoon, hoseok, jin, and taehyung" yoongi replied.


"NAMSOON, u-uh...oh right! HOSE-um something, J-JIB, TAE- uh" you yelled unsure of the names, you had been searching for a while now.

Yoongi, jimin, and jungkook couldn't stop laughing. "How are you this bad with names" jungkook said while laughing. "how did you even remember our names" yoongi questioned.

You quickly lifted your arm and pulled down your sleeves to show their names written on your arm. Then they began laughing even harder "after you guys told me I wrote it down when we got to my apartment, then last night I finally learned them but I forgot my pen today so yeah" you chuckled.

You thought about typing the names on your phone but you had to look at the map while you searched so that wouldn't really help.

"also why are you yelling" jimin asked

"as you can see the upper area of the park is more of a forest trail for people to walk through. So I though it would be better to yell and your friends would hear me considering I probably would't be able to see them with all these trees"

"wow you're smart, just like our friend namjoon" jimin said happily and you couldn't help but snort.

"no one has ever called me smart before but I appreciate it jimin" you chuckled while you looked down to your overall pocket and gently patted jimins head sticking out. You continued walking down the long trail but your legs began to ache.

"guys we have been walking around for a while, lets take a break to eat" you said while taking off your backpack.

You opened it and took out a small blanket you packed along with the snacks. You sat on the blanket that you placed down and gently lifted the boys from your pocket and set them down as well. You opened the container of strawberries and handed one to jimin. He took the strawberry holding it with both hands and began eating.

You then gave one to jungkook and yoongi. You were about to start eating but you heard a grunt, you looked down at yoongi and noticed you had given him a very large strawberry and he was struggling. You giggled and quickly took it away from him and handed him a smaller one "sorry yoongi".

You shoved the strawberry in your mouth trying to eat quickly so you could continue your search. After you had finished your meal you then packed up and continued your search.

However, as more time passed you knew that it would start to get dark soon, also your throat really hurt from yelling so much, but you were determined to keep looking.

"TAEHYUNG, JIN, HOSEOK, NAMSOON" you yelled out, then you heard a small giggle "so close, y/n, only one name wrong-" but before jimin could finish you heard a small voice yell from your feet.

"IT'S NAMJOON" your eyes widened while you noticed two very small figures run past your feet "AND RUN" the voice yelled again.

You watched curiously but you then head sounds coming from the bush to the right of you. The large berry bush was rustling and hissing.

The berry bush was hissing.

You were not about to die today by whatever creature was in the bushes chasing the two tiny people so you quickly ran in the direction they went and looked at the ground intensely not wanting to step on them.

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