10 ~ Adventure

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You heard little giggles and you felt something poke your face. You opened your eyes and you expected to see hoseok again but you were surprised to see jimin and taehyung.

"yay you're awake" taehyung yelled while you gently got up and lifted the two. You could already tell taehyung was the more energetic type.

You placed them on the night stand where the five others were still sleeping. You wondered if you should wake the others up but jimin spoke "y/n can we eat something, I'm hungry" you looked at jimin while taehyung jumped up and down and screamed excitedly "FOOD"

You chuckled lifting them both in your hands and headed to the kitchen deciding to let the other five sleep for a little longer while you made their breakfast. You walked to the kitchen and you placed taehyung and jimin beside you on the kitchen counter while you searched the fridge for something to eat.

You heard a door open and you turned your head to see a half awake yugyeom stumble out of his room. You laughed seeing his hair sticking up all over the place and you watched as he shuffled over to you.

"morning yugyeom" you said and he mumbled "morning y/n".

"WOW HE IS EVEN TALLER THAN Y/N" taehyung yelled and yugyeom jumped because he didn't notice the two tiny people standing on the kitchen counter. He was definitely awake now. Yugyeom eyes winded while he looked closely at taehyung and he blinked and rubbed his eyes.

"is it just me or is this definitely not one of the ones you found" you then realized in all of the excitement about finding taehyung and jin yesterday you had forget to inform yugyeom about finding them.

"I can't believe I forgot to tell you, I found taehyung and jin yesterday. I was at school and one of my friends actually found the two at the flower park a couple days ago. This is taehyung" you pointed to taehyung while he waved happily at yugyeom while holing jimins arm excitedly whispering about how tall yugyeom was.

"and one second" you rushed out of the kitchen to find jin back in your room. You walked inside your room and noticed jin, hoseok, and namjoon were now awake and they were trying to drag yoongi and jungkook out of bed.

You laughed watching the three struggle and you slowly walked towards them and spoke

"morning guys" the three jumped and hoseok stumbled back. Yoongi and jungkook were now wide awake as well. You chuckled while hoseok pouted

"you scared me y/n"

"sorry sunshine" you apologized while picked up the five of them and headed back to the kitchen.

You placed them on the counter and pointed towards the last unfamiliar face to yugyeom

"this is jin"

yugyeoms eyes widened but he smiled "I'm so glad you found them I was so worried"

"yeah I am too. I still can't believe jaehyun had them"you mumbled out.

"well now all that is left is the flower they are looking for, but I know you have work today" you said while yugyeom looked at you with a worried expression. "I could always call for a day off" you looked at him with a stern expression.

"no way yugyeom, I don't want you to get in trouble at work. I can just look for it with everyone else. Beside namjoon is really smart and is surprisingly getting better at flipping book pages" you laughed thinking about yesterday when namjoon was trying to flip through a large flower book and he struggled. But you had to admit he got better at flipping the pages as time passed and namjoon seemed to agree when he nodded his head.

"yes yugyeom, please don't worry too much" namjoon smiled.

"also I can look up some flowers on my phone and jaehyun said he would help anyways, so no need to worry".

"alright, but call me if you need anything" yugyeom said before leaving to get ready.


After all of you ate breakfast you decided to start searching.

You were currently sat on your couch and namjoon was on your left leg sitting there flipping the pages of the flower book your brought home yesterday. He was intensely staring at the pages looking for the flower while yoongi was asleep on your left shoulder.

Then there was jungkook who was somehow hanging from your hair. Taehyung and jimin were sitting on your right shoulder. Lastly, Jin was sitting on your free hand with hoseok while your other hand scrolled through your phone.

"okay, what about this one" you questioned showing the flower jaehyun had just sent you.

Namjoon looked away from the book and looked at the picture you showed him "no, not that one" he sighed out.

You had been looking at flowers for four hours and you think you were going to go insane if you looked at another one. Then as if jin read your mind he spoke "okay break time" you sighed and agreed "yes please"


You were watching tv in the same position on the couch "wow this tv thing is so cool" taehyung said in awe.

You gasped and lifted him from your shoulder "you guys don't have tv" you breathed out in surprise.

"well all we do is work, research, and watch the tree. That's all anybody does really" taehyung said and you looked at taehyung in disbelief.

"for a world of magic that seems kind of boring" you chuckled but then jungkook voiced "yeah, we never have fun"

You chuckled, "well don't you guys go to the beach, or play games, or anything"

You noticed Jin was staring at the tv screen intensely while cotton candy was being made.

"no, but what is that" jin said pointing at the fluffy cotton candy.

"that's cotton candy, it's really fluffy and sweet. It melts in your mouth too"

All of the boys were trying to crawl as close as they could to the screen and you laughed. You knew you were all exhausted from your researching today and seeing all of their eyes sparkle while they stared at the screen made you smile.

"how about a little adventure guys"

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