13 ~ Leave

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There were very few times that you felt like you wanted to run and go hide under a rock for possibly the rest of your life. However, right now was one of those moments. You angrily kicked a random rock you saw while walking down the street.

"literally never again taeyong" you yelled out as you continued walking.

"oh come on it was fun" taeyong gently punched your shoulder but you glared at him.

"she practically fell like every minute" jaehyun laughed.

You were currently walking home with jaehyun and taeyong. Surprisingly you and taeyong became close friends, but right now you were questioning that friendship at this very moment. In return for helping you, jaehyun, and yugyeom with your flower search you agreed to attend one of taeyongs dance classes along with jaehyun.

But you regretted it instantly when you stepped on multiples peoples shoes and also manged to fall over at least four times, honestly, you lost count after a while. You had no idea how you were so uncoordinated.

"seriously, I'm pretty sure I'm the worst dancer ever" you sighed out.

"well this was the payment for me helping you look through all of those flower books. I literally went through like four hundred pages total so far. But speaking of those flowers were any of those flower pictures I sent you yesterday the one you were looking for" taeyong questioned.

You sighed and shook your head "no, neither were the ones jaehyun sent"

Jaehyun understood why you were so upset but taeyong was still very unaware of why you needed to search for a certain flower and it showed when you looked at him and all you saw was a very confused expression.

"I didn't know you liked flowers that much" taeyong laughed out still clearly confused about your flower obsession.

It had officially been three weeks since you met your tiny friends and you hadn't found the flower. You wondered how long the tree could survive without it, you were begging to worry and it clearly showed when you heard taeyong.

"relax y/n, come on cheer up. It's just a flower" he said. You tried to smile up at him but taeyong sighed, the expression on your face only showed pure sadness. You and jaehyun stopped walking when you noticed taeyong stopped.

You watched as he bent down near the small patch of grass that the three of you were passing by. His hands touched the grass and you were confused as he picked a dandelion from the ground and handed it to you.

"there, now you have a flower so don't look so upset" he said

"you literally handed me a weed" you laughed

"well at least you're smiling now" jaehyun said and he took the dandelion from your hand and placed it in your hair.


"guys I'm home" you yelled while you entered your apartment.

"y/n" jungkook yelled happily while you approached the counter. You were about to pick him up to do the normal greeting but noticed they all looked frozen. They stared at you intensely and you wondered what they were looking at.

You moved around and watched as their eyes followed you but they seemed to shocked to say anything. You furrowed your eyebrows confused but you realized they were looking at the top of your head.

"what's wrong guys, is there something in my hair" you questioned. You moved your hand to the top of your head wondering if something was there.

"w-what" yoongi stuttered while you felt something touch your hand. You were confused as to what you just touched but you realized you forgot that taeyong had given you the dandelion earlier which jaehyun had placed in your hair.

You chuckled and then took it out "oh yeah I almost forgot this was there. Taeyong gave this to me today-"

"t-that's the flower" namjoon stuttered out. You froze completely while still holding the dandelion.

You eyes slowly traveled towards your hand, this common ass weed that is literally everywhere is what they were looking for.

You gently placed it in front of them and they circled around it in awe. You had assumed they were looking for some rare flower you really didn't expect it to be a dandelion. That was why you never found it, you assumed that they would never be looking for such a common thing.

"this is what you guys were looking for" you said in disbelief but then you watched as a huge light began forming in all of their tiny hands. You almost passed out from surprise but luckily you were kind of used to the idea of magic considering you literally lived with people the size of your hand who came from another world.

"normally only one of us would have to do this but our magic capabilities shrunk along with us" yoongi stated calmly while you watched as the dandelion was surrounded by multicolored light that matched the color of their hair oddly enough.

You squinted as the light was blinding you and you froze while you looked at the counter when the light faded. Instead of the plain old dandelion there was a bright light yellow crystal. Your mouth flew open in surprise.

They just turned a literal dandelion into a glowing yellow crystal.

Then jimin smiled like crazy "w-we did it" he yelled jumping up and down on the counter in joy.

"we got it now we can save the tree" namjoon said while jumping around as well. You were overjoyed that they could finally help out their home and they finally found the flower that you all spent so long looking for.

"I'm so happy" hoseok screamed and you smiled while looking down at the counter as the boys all ran around and hugged each other not being able to contain their happiness. But then your eyes met yoongis, his gummy smile instantly faded when he looked at you.

You looked down and gave a soft smile confused as to why he suddenly looked so sad, but yoongis frown didn't disappear as he spoke

"but now we have to leave"

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