15 ~ You're Our Home

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You groaned while you rolled over and the pain from your back was unbearable. You opened your eyes slowly so you could adjust to the brightly light and you lazily got up from the sand, you can't believe you slept here yesterday. You noticed the boys were also laying on the sand, all of them were sprawled around at different places.

"guys get up we should go now" you realized that the park wouldn't be busy now just like yoongi said yesterday.

They all groaned and they all got up stretching their backs and you smiled, you picked them up and put them in your sweater pocket while you quickly traveled to the flower park wanting to make sure it would be empty.

"y-you know I'm going to miss you y/n" you heard jimin croak out and you were glad that you weren't facing them. You don't think you could handle the sad expression jimin most likely had right now.

You felt your heart ache but you smiled softly "I'll miss you too jimin, I'll miss all of you"


You had arrived at the large fountain and you smiled while you gently placed them at the edge of the fountain.

Yoongi gently placed his small hand in the water and it began to glow, then you knew. This was it, the portal. They were going to go home.

A face suddenly appeared in the glowing fountain and you screamed in surprise.

"research team, you guys are alive. Did you find the flower"

"yes, we found it" yoongi replied while jimin approached the pond holding onto the gem with both of his hands, he was barely able to hold the gem up.

"I thought the gem was small why is it so big" the unfamiliar face said while he stared wide eyed at jimin who was struggling trying to hold the yellow gem.

"long story, so how's the tree doing" namjoon asked and slowly a large tree could be seen in the reflection of the water.

Half the tree was beautiful, almost shining while another half was dark and rotting.

"it's bad but now that you have the gem we can heal it. I'll wait for you guys to arrive" then the water was back to simply sparkling.

You looked at all of them and noticed they were all trying to hold in their tears, and you also felt tears develop in your eyes.

"I-I'm going to miss you guys so much"

"we will miss you too. I loved spending time with you" jungkook said and you smiled.

" we never wanted to let you go" jin said with a teary eyed smile

"I really wanted to give you cheek kisses forever" jimin said and taehyung and hoseok quickly screamed "me too" and you chuckled

"yeah its like, I don't know we just clicked..." yoongi said with a gummy smile

"...like we connected" namjoon added.

You desperately tired to blink back the tears but they ended up falling anyways. Then the boys started crying as well. Everything they said sounded so familiar.

They slowly turned towards the sparkling pond and you felt your heart ache but you smiled and waved to them through your tears.

"we 'love love' you y/n" jimin said with a huge smile.

That's when it hit you, when they asked about what being in 'love love' meant. Everything they said was what you told them. You chuckled and you took in a deep yelling with all your heart

"I 'love love' you guys too"

Then you watched as the most insane thing happened. All of them were smiling like crazy when jimin threw the gem into the water and yoongi yelled towards the water "we are staying here you can use the gem"

Then the water stopped glowing and the gem had disappeared.

You blinked in surprise while hoseok looked at you with the biggest smile "well since we 'love love' each other we have to stay"

You stood there frozen and yoongi spoke "did we break her or something" you simply blinked while you picked them up.

"are you guys crazy, what about your home" you said in panic but then taehyung smiled

"you're our home"

You felt your face heat up but you began laughing

"I can't believe you guys. Well...lets go home then"


"y/n are you okay, do you need to cry. I told taeyong and jaehyun to come over so we could comfort you" you heard yugyeom yell while you entered the apartment. You sighed and then approached the table where they sat.

"it's okay y/n" jaehyun said and was about to get up to hug you but then yoongi popped up from your pocket.

"no way buddy back up"

Jaehyungs eyes widened and taeyong groaned out "so I wasn't seeing things". You giggled while you brought them out and they all stood on your hands squished together.

"we sent the gem over so they could save the tree and we decided to stay here with y/n" hoseok beamed and taehyung began jumping up and down.

"yeah she 'love loves' us" he said excitedly.

"if she said it back then we decided to stay" jimin admitted while you laughed still not believing that they had decided to stay.

But taeyong simply spoke "you don't have a chance you're literally a tiny human"

Jimin pouted and was about to yell but you all froze when a bright light appeared from the boys.

"what is going on" yugyeom screamed clearly panicked. The bright light blinded you and you closed your eyes momentarily but seconds later you groaned while you felt a huge weight on top of you. The weight was suddenly lifted and you opened your eyes, but as you looked up you screamed.

"holy shit, why the crap are you guys normal sized"

There stood all of the boys except they were no longer tiny. They were all normal sized, in fact they were all taller then you. Even though yoongi and jimin were only slightly taller.

They all stood there shocked before jimin screamed "HAH not tiny anymore"

Then he hugged you tightly " now we can for sure 'love love' y/n" You blushed as taehyung joined the hug.

"great, now we have seven other people living in this apartment. I need a drink" yugyeom groaned out.

"well I guess the reason we were so small was because the tree was rotting. Now that it's healed because of the gem we are back to our normal height" namjoon smiled

You laughed and looked at all of the boys who were happily smiling at you. You honestly never felt more happy than you did right now being surrounded by the people you had grown to care about. You were truly happy.

you're our home

Your smile grew and you knew, they were also you're home even though they were no longer pocket sized .






A/N: thank you guys so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed Pocket Sized 💖💖💖

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