Chapter 4

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Saturday evening and it is the second last show of Digitour Jack and Jack. Bryant, Nash, Cameron and I left around 5 pm because the show is gonna start at 6. I wore my green skate skirt, with a white sleevless, spaghetti strap crop top then a black blazer over it. I curled my hair and put on a black beanie. When we got to the venue, people were already lined up and waiting to get inside, so us and boys went to the backstage and that's when we saw the others. "Hey," greeted Finn as he kissed me on the cheek. "Don't you just look pretty," he added.

"Oh. why thank you sir," I giggled. Everyone greeted each other as they started talking too, while Finn and I sat on the side of the couch. Actually, he was the one sitting and I was sitting on his lap because the couch is occupied. Me and Finn are always like this when we're together so there's no malice.

"Hey!" greeted the guys walking towards us. They look familiar. When they got closer, I saw Kenny with Chris... OMG! CHRISTIAN COLLINS! He's one of the cutest guys I know! I actually have a crush on him. But not like "inlove" or something. I just adore his smile, his face, his laugh, and Nash said he's nice so.

When they were literally infront of us, Kenny introduced me to Chris. "This is Nash's sister," said Kenny. I stood up from sitting on Jack's lap and shook hands with Chris.

"You're Ashley Grace," he said while smiling. "I didn't know that Nash is your brother," he once added.

"You know who I am?" I asked.

"Of course," he smiled.

Chris and Kenny talked to the others and I was still standing in front of Finn while facing him. "You just met Chris and now your smile is up to your ears," Finn teased, but he seems sorta serious.

"Im just happy," I giggled. He just smiled at me and took my hands again, then he started swaying them up. Cameron was taking a video for vine or snapchat, I think. Everyone was saying hi to his phone.

When the show was about to start the guys gathered everyone and prayed. Then they all put their hands in the middle "1...2...3..." counted Jack.

"LETS GO!" they all cheered.

I stayed on the backstage to watch them, because Nash and Cameron were the "surprised guests," then Bryant was in front of the stage taking pictures so I was left alone.

I went on my twitter and tweeted

<< watching DigiTour Jack and Jack #aeronow

Then the first tweet I got says:

>> @AshleyGrace post a picture with JackG!!

I tweeted the girl back saying:

<< @'noemicash sure lovely.

After the meet and greet, the show started so I moved at the right side of the stage to watch them. And their fans are literally crying. The Jacks sang their songs and the rest of the guys did their own thing. They were making their fans so happy, including me. When the show was about to end, the Jacks did their own speech and they thank everyone who came. While I was listening to them, Finn went to where I was standing and he took my hand. "I would also like to thank this very special girl for coming tonight," he said while escorting me to the stage. I couldn't help but smile because their fans were yelling my name, and I heard someone yelled Jackley so loud.

"Who wants to see Jackley kiss??" yelled Sam. Nash was just laughing his ass off, taking out his phone from his pocket. See what I mean! Right now it's okay for him. Nash could also be bipolar!

"Dude," said Finn to the guys.

"Do it!" yelled JayJay.

"Is it okay?" asked Finn while staring into my eyes. I smiled at him and nodded, because I knew he's just gonna kiss me on the forehead or cheek. He leaned closely to me, then he kissed me. He kissed me on the forehead. Then people started cheering again.

The show finally ended, and we stayed at the backstage while waiting for people to leave so we could go home. I was sitting alone on the couch when Chris walked up to me. "So you guys are really dating eh?" he asked.

I gave a little giggle and said "No. We're just friends. Bestfriends. Nothing more."

"Good," he said and covered his mouth faking he was coughing.

"What's that?" I asked, even though I heard what he said.

"Nothing..." he smiled. "Is it okay if I could have your number?" he added. I smiled widely, and gave my number to him. Of course, I wouldn't lose this opportunity to be friends with Chris. We talked for a while until Finn came.

"FINN" I yelled.

He walked towards me and asked, "What's up?" I told him about this girl who wanted a picture of me and him, so we took a picture. Bryant took the picture actually. Finn then talked to the others and I just sat on the couch again. I tweeted the picture with a caption of:

<< Really proud of my Finnegan.

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